For the past year and a half my girlfriend of four years (now my Mistress) and myself have divulged ourselves into the world of kink; specifically female led relationships (FLR). Our journey so far has reached many epiphany's regarding the lifestyle; highs and lows, this truly is a learning process for both ends of the relationship. In this post you will find our story up to this point below. I initially kept an excuse for a journal on under the title Young, In Love, & In Chastity, sadly it seems the community there is slowly fading from what it was. In this post I will post the back ground post from that site so that you may become up to speed regarding our journey. The following post will cover July 26th 2013 up until today, July 26th was when my Mistress locked the chastity device back onto me for our third attempt orgasm control and FLR, though this time wouldn't merely be another attempt at chastity. It also has grown to be much more than kinky fun in the bedroom, rather in the words of my Mistress last Thursday night "This is your new life, there's no set date for this to end, no contract to constrain me, this isn't something that's going to stop anytime soon...this is our new relationship."
March 28, 2013
I suppose this would be an appropriate place to introduce myself, though I've frequented the various threads on this site ever since me and my girlfriend first came across the idea of chastity around 6 months ago. I graduated college last year and was blessed to land an amazing job at a think tank regarding political affairs. My girl friend of three years too graduated and has been blessed in her job as well. Im 25 years old and she a few months my junior, we are both attractive people and in good shape, yet we are both very different. They say opposites attract and it couldnt be more true for our case.
We first ventured into Chastity as a way to spice up things in the bedroom, she bought me a set of silk scarfs for christmas and that was our first adventure into anything "kink". Time passed and I honestly wasnt having sex with her as much as she'd like, so I stumbled across male "chastity" and "female lead relationships" and "femdom" on the internet one day. I first noticed a thread about wives who kept their men in chastity, at first thought the only reference to chastity I recall was the monty python skit!When I approached her about this "odd" device I found she immediately replied "order one now" and we were off! I chose a CB6000 from Amazon and when it arrived we both were excited about the prospect of our new adventure. Bad thing was after two days of frustration I realized I could still pull out "get off" so I was open with her about it. We tried several locked4her add ons and nothing truly kept me completely secure. As she did more research into the subject bondage was introduced; she ordered hand and leg cuffs, a small ball gag, enema kit, strap on with several dildos, crop, whip, various butt plugs and alot of lube. She also began buying lots of rope.
With more research into this new realm for us I came across adult diapers Abri-Forms to be exact and told her about them. At first she did not like the idea and we discussed why they would even be useful, one day I thought she told me to order them so I did, 14 M4 X PLUS were on the way...when I told her she was furious! I was neutral to the idea, didnt think a diaper would be bad at all... she told me not to cancel them and I would be using them since I made the mistake of ordering them. Well as we began the process she wanted to "punish" me for buying these, so daily upon returning home from work I would be placed into a diaper with a suppository or half a bottle of sodium citrate (THAT STUFF IS HELL) and would be forced to do more chores, cook and spend the evening in a full diaper.
Soon she began to warm up to the idea and began ordering more, I really wasnt a fan of sitting in my own filth, yet more diapers came along with locking plastic panties and she even made a huge cloth diaper (shes an excellent sewer) with became my "night time diaper". Most evening I was plugged or taken with the strap on, this shifted her attitude and her controlling side really kicked into high gear.
Chastity was 2 weeks and never more, and thej lifestyle became merely me doing chores in a diaper, always in chastity and occasionally
taken with the strap on. The first time she did this she loved the experience (I hated it) the feeling of power she had was almost orgasmic. Sadly the cheap CB6000 split and no amount of epoxy would make it work again, so we tossed it in the trash. She knew she wanted to continue the journey, yet nothing was clicking and she didnt quite "get it" yet. This changed when I showed her mobicos thread "The real feeling of chastity", she became absorbed into the story and began seeing what chastity was all about; control. That it wasnt about simply doing chores, that it was about truly developing your man into a "slave". Now this is not the case for everyone, yet the story consumed us both, she began reading more articles to further her knowledge, keeping a journal full of ideas for when we would start our chastity journey again. She continued reading articles on ownership, punishment, the use of diapers and domination and other womens successful accounts of transforming their men. She was excited to say the least.
We ordered a Jail Bird from Mature Metal; its 1 3/4 in. long with a security screw, after one round of back and forth for adjustments; the device is 100% secure as of yesterday. Shes been preparing for this journey, we have over 250 Abri Form M4 XPLUS diapers, alot of suppositories, more pink pairs of plastic panties for my "day time diapers" which she said will soon be apart of my attire and a large 2in locking ball gag and posture collar on the way. We bought a house together and close next week, so she has stated we will "get into full swing" after we get settled into our new home, and to be honest Im anxious to see if she actually stays committed and a little nervous all at the same time.
This thread will be our journey, I can't tell you whats in store but I know she will be looking for advice from other female dominants as we go along. I can promise you I will update this every day I can to help give back to this community what mobico gave us; an amazing adventure... long as Im not chained to the floor (she already bought floor and wall mounts for the new house). The lock on the jail bird snapped closed yesterday for good (I didnt even get one last round of sex or a chance to get off
) and shes stated my first stint will be for three months, June 27th is the release date. Were excited about this adventure, and were excited to share it.
March 29' 2013
Were looking forward to continuing forward. I'll be much less stressed once we get moved into this new home. Well it's been the first "full day" of being locked back up, it's odd because the "frustration" hasn't set in yet, I know its coming. Nothing too out of the ordinary today, spent the evening after work doing the yard, after I showered she told me to go get the diaper...
I guess it still hasn't sank in yet that things are changing, she says I cant touch her ass or breast, yet I do and Im getting away with it, so we'll see how long it takes for her to fully snap into dominant mode, doubt it will be anytime soon since moving is about to take place. I would say other than her amazing personality, her ass is absolutly amazing...its by far my favorite, except for when it's sitting on my face and I cant breathe...that hasn't happened in awhile (knock on wood)....
Well Friday was a somewhat eventful day. I got off work early and was laying in bed when she got home, nothing out of the ordinary except when she sat on the bed I touched her ass... she told me to roll over and I laughed, she kept saying I was "adding them up" and when I finally rolled over she returned with her crop and gave me 40 lashings which left my ass quite red. I thought it was amusing, and if it made her happy then whatever, still not thinking she'll fall into her "dominant" roll anytime soon. The evening went on and I struck me she had forgotten to put me in a diaper when she got home
) small victory!) so I didn't say anything. Well I kept complaining that the cage was "hurting" and she commented that my balls were looking "full" and blue only after three days and it would be a good time to drain me.
I'll be honest, I really don't like the feeling of anything up my ass, much less a dildo... not looking forward to it yet she says since its the only sexual stimulation I'll be getting for the next three months I'll grow to "enjoy" it. Anyway the night went on and she finally told me to go "clean myself out" so I went to my bathroom and gave myself an agonizing series of 5 large enemas to ensure I was clean. Last time she would always do this to me, I guess she's still in "lazy" mode, not sure. Well then the time came and she said it was time to be milked, she told me she would milk me without the cage on if I went down on her; complying then the inevitable happened.
She's taken me from behind before, yet its never "produced" anything, this time she worked the strap on slowly and to her surprise she said "alot" was coming out...and I felt nothing.... this was so unreal to didnt make sense how I was "cumming" with no pleasure. Luckily it was onto a towel, she joked about making me drink all of it or saving it awhile back, think she forgot about that (she tends to struggle with memory at times). But I did notice; no gag, no blind fold, no rope or cuffs, no tying me to bed and leaving me after, no of that... maybe it's because shes "not into the full swing yet" not sure. When she was satisfied she got it all out of me she cleaned me up, put me in a diaper and let me sleep with the cage off, which I appreciated... it was so much more comfortable. It was odd; I was SO HAPPY to be sleeping in just the diaper without it pushing my cage into me, so it's almost like I was "enjoying the diaper?" because it was the lesser of two evils perhaps? The fact I was happy to be in a diaper scared me, oh well I suppose I get used to them. I flooded them at sometime in the night and woke up to a very soggy diaper; she told me to put the cage back on so I took it into the bathroom and did just that. Then it hit me I "could" jack off, yet I had no urge...damn milking. I bet she'll get more strict about not letting me be alone soon, who knows... Today was uneventful, had a lazy day and I didnt have to wear a diaper once! (knock on wood).... -
Happy Easter Everyone! This cage is so much heavier than the cb6000, they say you "don't notice your wearing it" after time, hope that's the case, feels like it makes it "hang", I guess that will be the only perk of going back into diapers, this damn thing won't sag anymore. Sigh... Hope I get used to it soon, right now I'm enjoying normalcy other than being locked up, I know it won't be long.
Not much going on as we are both busy with work this week and closing on the home. I was wondering if anyone had any good FLR/FLM articles or other blogs I could direct her way, she loved mobicos tale, was wondering if other pages existed which follow and discuss chastity, punishent, day to day routines, fem humiliation and such. Thanks in advance!
I got a text with instructions while at work yesterday telling me to iron all evening and be in a diaper when I got home; stating "I need to get used to them". Spent the evening in a diaper and ended up sleeping in it as well, she finally found a way to place the device comfortably between my legs when she diapers me. I know this thread isn't "full of intense action" yet, but remember we are slowly getting back into the rhythm of a FLR, which she again said last night that shes slowly getting used to being in charge and with the house its been taking priority number one. When she left for work when I got home from work yesterday I did notice she left her necklace with the key on the nightstand.... that's all Im gonna say on that topic
I know once we get settled down in our first home things will pick up, and I think Im ready for them to do so. All the while though Im worried about once she goes "full bore" I wont want to play anymore and will want a break, a break which I wont get because Im sure to her it's not a game at all rather its "my new life" as she's called it while diapering me before bed. While we were waiting for the device to come in she talked about things or tools she wants before she goes full swing into thing; a bigger ball gag (2 inch) with a lock on so I cant spit it out, a posture collar and leash, locking wrist and ankle cuffs, I-bolts for the floor, an actual cane and also wants a locking mask that's form fitting almost (not one where you look like a monster) but she thinks the mask will make punishing and training much easier on her; shes in agreement with Mobico's wife on this subject. Im in the process of getting her all these things; just can't find a good mask. Only other thing Im remotely concerned about is the third week in May when she's going out of town. She said she "may have someone over" acouple times a day to check on me and make sure Im doing what I supposed to I guess, or make sure I'm diapered, Im not sure.
This subject came up when we were in the discussing phase how she was planning on telling her good friend "Jackie" about our lifestyle and her choice to keep me in chastity, reason she wanted to tell someone was so she could leave me in long term isolation bondage while she was at work on a saturday for example and have her friend come check on me. This thought scares me; Jackie's an attractive girl who we both used to work with, her seeing me "bound" or in a diaper scares the bejesus out of me. Though I know this is inevitable, it's one of those things you never think will actually happen, and when it does it will be the most humiliating thing too date (I'd rather be outed in public to an attractive girl about being diapered) because to me it's a slippery slope effect. She has "apparently" told her friend about me being locked in chastity and her making me her "slave" just not about the diapers (baby steps I suppose) and once the first time she has to come check on me while Im tied up or come over to check and make sure I'm in my same diaper has happened, the snow ball will get bigger if you catch what I mean. After the initial "shock and awe" factor then it opens the door for her to see me in other situations; she comes over to hang out with my girlfriend and I may still be chained to the floor in a full diaper with a gag stuffed in my mouth, or I may have to actually "serve" them, be "punished" in front of her, her whip me????, her help tie me up before they go out, have to do chores in my maid out fit in front of her....the terrifying possibilities are endless... I still wonder if she knows Im the one on the receiving end of a strap on gah... I just need to not stress and let life happen. The strap on has only came out once for milking though, I read an article about Female led relationships where a Mistress recommended strap on training be a center piece in the relationship so it truly exhibits the power shift; men want sex most nights of the week. Well this Mistress said for dommes they should be taking there submissives anally every other night of the week (when I normal guy would want sex) so they not only know how it feels, but it continues to reenforce the point of who the boss is and who's the bitch.... luckily she hasnt read that article! haha
DB88 - Apr 4, 2013
@slavery_slave My girlfriend read (more than likely the same article) that 3 months or longer is very important to "break" you in, so you become very submissive and reliant on your "domme". And so your more likely to comply so you won't end up in it that long again. I can't tell you what 3 months is like because I'm only 7 days in I think to the 3 month stent, I understand the reasoning behind it but I can't say I'm happy about it. When she milked me I lost all desire to get off, and if that becomes a more consistent thing like Mistress Amy talked about, it becomes your new version of "having sex" which is not only humiliating, you get non direct pleasure and when your done you can't get hard because you've been drained, so it's frustrating. I'm not looking forward to it, but it is what it is...when I get to the point where I'm excited about strap on's gonna be a sad and awakening thing...
DB88 - Apr 7, 2013
My tongue hurts...My balls are full...and I am sleepy! Yesterday was a good day, we took the dog to the river and I did alittle fishing, who can complain about that?! The weather was wonderful and I wasn't in a diaper, aside from the teasing which happened before we left I had nothing in the world to complain about. Luckily we had a good friend come over for dinner and hang out all evening so I wasn't diapered until 11:30pm! Woohoo! Once she diapered me we settled into bed with me ending the night going down on her, then using a vibrator on her, it was a good bit of fun and I was happy to be able to make her happy, yet it awoke my full package which caused it to dig into me all night.
I couldn't sleep for the life of me, anyone know how to make it less painful? The Diaper is the damn reason, it trys to push my device down when it wants to go up! I just wish it would stay soft when it's inside the diaper, I'd sleep much better. Anyway again like clockwork early this morning she told me to take the diaper off (I was moaning in pain). When I finally awoke she was getting ready, and wouldn't you know she tossed me a pair of panties and told me to wear them all day, I guess she could have tossed me a diaper so I should be thankful. She was out all day with events and I worked on the truck and the house, she only gave me a few things to clean up around the house, so I tried to do a few extra. After she got off last night she laid her head on my chest and said "Thank you so much for doing this for me, I know it's not easy, but it will all be worth will pay off for you". It was nice to here, curious what she meant about it paying off though...any ideas?
DB88 - Apr 9, 2013
I suppose I should have waited to post on saturday until later in the night, she got home around midnight from a night downtown with her best friend, when she was on her way home she told me to go ahead and clean myself out, begrudgingly I did so. Before she got off the phone she said "By the way Jackie knows everything, and she'll be checking on you while I'm out of town in a few weeks". My heart sank, I really didn't like this feeling, Jackie's an attractive girl we both used to work with back in college, her and Mistress have become close these past few months; but "checking on me" really?! First off I find that a-little ridiculous, I nervously got off the phone and proceeded to get clean.
When she arrived home she ate dinner then asked if I was ready, I could tell she was drunk, or very close to it. My balls were aching (still are) and were full as they get (still are) so she said it was time to be milked, what followed was her fucking me for thirty minutes; not milking. This was not on the fun list, I hated it... last time it wasn't so bad because at least I had relief after, this time there was no relief, only a new found ache. After thirty minutes she said "oh well, its not coming out" and put me in a diaper and it was off too bed. Sunday was rather uneventful, we had a rather busy day but we did get time to talk about Jackie a little bit. She said Jackie was ok "checking on me" as long as no lines were crossed, Mistress promised her of course not and I expressed my distaste for the coming visits.
"You don't have a choice in the matter, and thats that" was all she said. I continued to tell her that it was just down right odd in my opinion and all she said was "don't worry, she'll see you in your cage and diaper soon, you'll get used to it". I pressed her more asking "what exactly does checking on me mean????" "She'll just come over and make sure your still locked up, your diapers on, etc. She might relax for awhile, you'll get her wine, cook her food, listen to her just as if I were there, its simple" she said. This is not my idea of fun, when I showed her chastity almost a year ago I thought it would be a simple way to spice up the bedroom, I wasn't asking for this. She's also calling me her "sissy" and "bitch" alot more, last night I asked her "where do you want this to be a year from now?" her only reply was "I want you to be my perfect sex slave, my little sissy". Im not sure if I like were this is headed, but she's "hooked" now I can tell. Oh well, I Love her more than life itself, guess I'm here for the ride. No diaper for the past 36 hours due to razor burn...its the small victories ya know?
DB88 - Apr 14, 2013
SO SORRY for not posting much this past week, I can promise this will end soon. We closed on our house friday and it has been non-stop work to get it ready to move in. 13 hour day there today. Sigh....
Any way I have alot to update on, and will be making a large post updating this past week tomorrow. Things have been progressing, she's told me my name is "Debbie" now?!!!???? She's starting to use the strap on for more than just milking, and I've been in my diaper alot more.... She's also told her good friend everything, and she's on board with her in helping "train" me.... lifes happening fast. Will write tomorrow.
DB88 - Apr 15, 2013
WHEW Where do I even begin?! Again I do apologize for the lack of my attentiveness to posting, the house is taking everything we have to get it ready. It truly has been a wild stressful roller coaster of a week with all these new changes headed our way, I'm excited to say the least. Well I suppose I could begin with what happened on saturday the 6th, if you recall in my last post I talk about how she went out on the town with her friend that saturday night and told her everything about my new role in the relationship. When she got home around midnight she told me to get myself cleaned out, I knew what that meant so I proceeded to give myself several uncomfortable enemas. At the time my balls were aching beyond belief and were visibly larger, I was dying for relief. The yearn kept digging at me where I began to think the strap on was going to be a wonderful thing because I would at least be milked. Her first time milking me was very successful, so I assumed this time would be no different.
When she got home she tied my hands over my head with a red ribbon, I knew something was odd, we have cuffs and rope and this wasn't exactly the most secure way to tie me up...she was just about drunk I found out. What then pursued was not a milking session, rather she just "screw me" for the next 30 minutes, it hurt like hell. All the kept saying was "it's not draining, we have to keep going". Her rhythm was off and not coordinated with her strokes, I knew it wasnt going to work. I finally pleaded with her to stop, and she did. I thought this was over but she said "You have to be drained" so she tried something new; sticking a vibrating dildo half way in my rear end and stroking me when I was on my back; I was in heaven . It had only been a few weeks since I had gotten off, but in that moment I would have done anything; it felt so good, I was quivering with pleasure and I told her "I'd kill to get off"
"If you add a month, making your new lock up time four can" She said.
Oh Lord, this isn't right nor fair!!!! Well The rest is history, I got off and now Im stuck till late August. I see why Mobico made some poor judgement calls during his teasing sessions, it's torture!
We had alot of conversations over the course of this past week, she told me to not complain about Jackie knowing, and to listen to her just as I would her. This is still bugging me, any body else been in this situation? She said her friend "wants to see the cage" and "wants to see you in your diaper" so she can be more comfy when Mistress has her come check on me. I think she's tormenting me on purpose. "Jackie said she has no problem coming over while I'm out of town, having you serve her and chaining you to the floor while she chills and drinks wine".
"Jackie said she is even willing to turn you over her lap and beat your ass with a wooden spoon" she said. "Your kidding right" "I swear...Im not gonna lie to you about all this".
"I think Jackie is going to stay at the house while I'm out of town, she'll get the bed and you'll sleep in your cage".
These are simply a few* of the many lovely comments Mistress has said, it wouldn't be a big deal if Jackie was a 200 pound toad of a women who I didn't know. But she's the opposite; a very attractive friend whom I used to work with for years. Saturday while we were painting Jackie came over to see the new house, nothing odd or lifestyle related was said, except I did here Mistress say "Hey do you wanna see where DB is gonna be sleeping soon? It's his punishment cage" refering to the small 3 foot by 3 foot crawl space in the closet of the master bath, she's turning it into my new "time out cage". Once Jackie left Mistress said "she's so much more comfy about coming into the lifestyle to help me with you"....
Wonderful, this is great! Mistress has been calling me Sissy ALOT lately, told me my name is now Debbie and Im pretty sure she's decided to feminize me. She's informed me my rear end and crotch will under-go laser hair removal soon to help make them smooth. She's told me I need to flatten my tummy, yet not sculp it and pretty sure she's trying to brain wash me. When I say brainwash it's not the bad kind, yet last night she proposed something new. I hate sleeping in the diaper and chastity cage, the metal ring dings into my crotch and I wake up in alot of pain. She told me before she diapered me last night "You need to be a good sissy and start filling your diapers for me. You need to use them, I know you hold it till morning. So I have a deal for you, If you be a good sissy and fill your diapers for me, both number 1 and 2, you wont have to wear the chastity cage at night under your diaper." What a deal, eh? So now she's trying to tell me the only way I'm gonna be allowed to sleep soundly is in a full diaper, she's associating my comfort to a full diaper; so in time I will want to have my diapers filled always so Im more comfortable...this is cruel. Very Cruel.
DB88 - May 1, 2013
Well we're settled Into our new house! It's kept us so busy! We're leaving town and will be back Sunday, we really haven't been in full swing, she's been consumed with work and the house sadly. I'm sure well get back into the rhythm then. Thanks for your patience! We've been trying to get the house ready, She had me convert a small 3 foot by 3 foot crawl space into an isolation box, we bolted a thick piece of wood on the wall with hinges and attach two latch bolts and a locking bolt hindge. Inside the "cell" we attached "hitching post" on the top four corners so she can lock cuffs for my ankles and wrist. When she shut the door to the "cell" last night it was so dark and quiet. I'm not looking forward to spending alot of time. Going to finish the cell tonight by lining the floor with carpet. Hope to have more to update soon!
DB88 - Jul 13, 2013
Yes she does have an account on here, though she hasn't been on in awhile I think. Not too sure to be honest. And that's awesome you and your husband have had such a good relationship (I presume you have if you two have been in the lifestyle for 5 years). I think after that amount of time it's not simply a lifestyle; rather it's a way of life. What do you think has kept the "fire" going that long? And I can't say I have alot in common with your sub, seeing as I've been out for a few months... No chastity, diapers, bondage, punishment, domestic duties etc. Which becomes a question; she stopped due to life getting really busy...wouldn't one think life was "easier" having a submissive? Not having to tend to anything etc?
I'm sorry to all who followed this thread, I hated how we ended so abruptly. We should be starting soon, could be any day...not sure. I think she's waiting until Jackie moves out. Which is interesting; if you read my prior post I remember being terrified of the thought of Jackie moving in and how she was extremely excited at the prospect of having her in the house serving them both or something. Not sure why it panned that way, but Jackie hasn't said anything about that lifestyle and she apparently knows everything. I can assure you that I will post regularly again as soon as we begin.
Also pertaining to this thread I've asked my girl friend to sit down and have a serious talk before we dive into the lifestyle again, to work out agreements and such. One of the things I'm going to ask of her which I think will help her is too also keep a blog whether it be here or on eblog. Well see if she actually does, I think it would help her grow and become more consistent. Her biggest problem I think was becoming lazy, she openly admits that. I guess I never understood it when I was the one taking over all domestic duties, and if she was simply dealing with the diapers and punishments; isn't that less work? Oh well the past is the past.
It was nice to see Mobico finally surface, I truly thought he was either dead, sold into the sex trade or she found his thread.
Any way maybe ill be back on soon, only time will tell.
DB88 - Friday at 6:30 PM
Well it looks as if we are going back into rhythm. I’ve been out of chastity for the past few months, which is more than likely evident at the lack of posting. This time my Mistress and me have both agreed to keep online journals or blogs to track our experience. Im not sure yet if I will continue to use this site as a means to tell our story, it seems the community here is not what it used to be, and we are truly looking for feedback and fellowship with other members of the community who are living the same life we are. I will post the link to her blog when it’s created, as well as mine if we decide to go that route.
For those of you who have followed our story I will update you to the best of my ability, we ended chastity after she became overwhelmed with life in general, working two jobs; etc. For awhile I didn’t think we would go back into the lifestyle, which was fine by me since my life was a lot easier and I enjoyed my normal freedoms. Around a month ago she mentioned that she wanted to start soon, naturally with how she ended it last time I was very hesitant to go through it again. I gave her a list of conditions if she was to actually lock me back up and she quickly agreed to commit herself to them.
To me she wants this more than I do now, which is slightly scary in it’s own right. The conditions showed me that my assumptions were correct; 1. Actually research the area of FLR, Femdom, BDSM, Chastity, and slave training 2.Make contentious efforts to be consistent in training 3. Remembering how much I am sacrificing in order to give her this lifestyle. 4. And if she truly wants this, to give it her all to make it happen, and listen to my concerns along the way. Shortly after agreeing I noticed she began researching a lot more, was on all the time, downloading ebooks including the dreaded “owning and training a male slave”. She wanted to start immediately.
Calming her anxiousness, I told her I wanted her to make a list of everything she wanted to get done before beginning, she quickly jumped to the task. She also developed a quick friendship with another young female dominant on this site from the neighboring state who has been living a full time chastity FLR relationship for several years, my girlfriend became absorbed with talking to her, learning as much as she could, asking questions searches on google can’t answer and quickly built a road map to begin. Her list included:
1. New locking large ball gag, locking posture collar, locking ankle and wrist cuffs
2. long spreader bar along with a short spreader bar to use when she “takes me”
3. New strapon harness and larger dildos
4. Having over 350 Abena M4 Xplus diapers at our home already, she wanted enough powder and cream to last along time.
5. Day time diapers, attends classic (not exactly the thinnest)
6. Making all of the plastic panties locking
7.Complete the conversion of a small crawl space in her closet into an isolation room with hitching points in many different spots (crawl space is 3.5 feet tall, 3 feet wife, 3.5 feet long) she added padding to the floor and a locking door which literally “seals” when closed with small air holes for fresh air
8. Obtain bottles and begin making babyfood in bulk
9.Purchase bulk laxatives, and other stimulant’s
10. Begin making more petticoats and maid uniforms.
I can attest she has completed almost every item on this list with the exception of buying a new strap on harness since she has a working one. She was waiting for the last few items to arrive to begin, and the postal worker delivered them yesterday afternoon. When she got home from work yesterday evening she told me it was time to begin, I trimmed and shaved all of my hair off and went about my normal routine.
After settling in for the evening she told me it was time to “discuss” this new round of chastity, yet she didn’t say round… she said your new “life”. Explaining to me I was still her boyfriend, she would never cuckold me or attempt to be with another man, that she had no desire to do so, and that she promised that would never change; which comforted me greatly. Continuing she explained how there wouldn’t be a “contract” this round, she didn’t want to be bound by a document and there was no set end date, that the nearest she would discuss ending would be at least a year. Explaining she didn’t know when my first release date would be, but it was at least a month away and no more than three, depending on how good I was. The talked moved to the area of diapers, and that I wouldn’t be using the toilet again, and if I would use my diapers to their fullest potential it would lead to rewards down the road. Bulk laxative fiber was also going to be apart of my daily diet, and starting today my dinner was going to be replaced with the babyfood she was making, which is mixed with the laxatives. “In a few months, your going to move to two meals a day of only baby food”. This has me concerned deeply, she also brought out baby bottles and sippy cups, explaining how I wasn’t allowed to use regular glasses at home anymore.
She then shifted the conversation to how life would be like, and explained on the week days I was to take a nap as soon as I got home but not before sending her a picture of my diaper to ensure it was still on from the day. The nap could be 45 minutes to an hour, then I am to get in the uniform she had set out for me and do my chores before she gets home. On the weekends she said I wouldn’t be sleeping in HER bed, that I would sleep in the isolation box or the large dog kennel soon to be delivered to our home. On the weekends I would stay in my thick night time diapers, even if we go out. And I would have special more specific chores and projects around the home. Somewhat apologizing in advance it sounded like when she explained that spanking sessions and strap on session were going to become a daily accurance, along with time in isolation with hypnosis wav files.
I was a little taken back, truly nervous about starting again, until after dinner she said “Lets get your diaper on”. I knew it was all about to happen very fast. After diapering me she told I was to wake her up first thing in the morning so she could change me and put me in my chastity device. She also told me to tell everyone I was busy from Friday until Saturday mid day. What soon followed actually had me worried, and shown a light on just how serious she was; I was given the news Thursday night (yesterday).
“You need to get used to the lifestyle again, begin embracing your diapers, and go through a punishment as a deterrent for bad behavior. So when you arrive home tomorrow take a nap, when you get home I will clean you, give you a serious spanking session and prepare you. Your going to be put into two diapers, I will make cuts on the first one and cover it with another night time diaper. Plastic panties will be going over them and a suppository should start things off nicely for you. I will then feed you your food (which I know will have laxatives in them, and I bet she’s going to make me drink a lot) once your full to my content you will be put in your restraints and into your isolation box, your going to stay in their until Saturday 11:00am.”
I thought to my self, 15 hours in isolation?! I’ll loose my mind!
“I will have things to keep you entertained” (Im sure she means wav files) “Your going to get breaks every so often to stretch and smoke. And before I go to sleep and after your last break I will remove your restraints and you will sleep in your isolation box. I’ll remove you at 11:00am. Your diapers better be full to the rim, or your not coming out…don’t worry, your body will have plenty of “encouragement” in it.”
This happens today once I get home, Im nervous to say the least. I really don’t want to sit in my own filth for 15 hours. I’ll update tomorrow when I’m let out her last words were perhaps the most frightening “15 hours is going to be easy, compared to what’s going to happen if you misbehave again…24 hours, with fewer breaks”.
Wish me luck, be careful what you wish for.
And That was my last post on The Mansion, The following post will be an overview of the weekend, then this should read like a normal blog. Thanks so much for reading, my Mistress also has a blog on here and wants to begin getting to know other female dominants. Message me for her blog, if she will actually tell me the name of it; so far she hasn't.
Debbie (her new "sissy" name for me).
And That was my last post on The Mansion, The following post will be an overview of the weekend, then this should read like a normal blog. Thanks so much for reading, my Mistress also has a blog on here and wants to begin getting to know other female dominants. Message me for her blog, if she will actually tell me the name of it; so far she hasn't.
Debbie (her new "sissy" name for me).
Hi sissy. Excited to see how your journey develops. I know it is not sexy, but a word of caution: if you're going to be making a significant diet change (babyfood) and using laxatives, make sure you are receiving adequate nutrition. As it sounds now, you may not be taking enough in, and the laxatives can really stress your reserves. Take some multivitamins!
ReplyDeleteYou may also want to consider starting a Twitter profile. It seems people communicate more on there, and Tumblr, than BlogSpot, although this is a good format for writing those longer entries. Good luck with everything, I'll be reading! Will we be hearing from the mistress, by the way?
Mistress has a blog, though she has not told me the address of it. I will get her name on here so you can message her for it.