Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Why on earth am I letting this happen to me?!

I need thicker for night time, maybe this?
One thing that's apparent; I need new diapers. The Abena Abri-Form M4 X-plus are thick, bulky, and hold a lot, yet they aren't getting the job done for me at night, they leak each morning. I never thought I'd say this but I'm scared they will become my daytime diapers soon, despite the bulge they produce. I'm going to talk to Mistress and see if she's ok with my switching to Molicare Super Plus during the night; though she wanted me in Cushies next (the diapers with the blue baby print all over them that ride extra high in the back). Either those or we're going to have to get some soaker pads for the abena's. In one of my first post I reference when Mistress kept me in the same diaper for almost two days while feeding me bulk laxatives; those diapers did not leak. What she had done was taken two abena's and placed them on top of each other; the fact I could barley walk drove me insane but I don't know what else to do. I know if she wakes up and the bed is wet because of me, there will be a crib in the house by the end of the day and I really want to stem that for as long as possible. I do thank you for continuing to visit my blog during this time of transition, I can assure you we will be back into full gear by the end of the week. It's strange though because I really don't feel like I'm getting a break and thats all my own fault! I actually think I'm working harder, last night for example I cooked dinner, did the dishes, swept and mopped the entire house and had no "me time".  She asked me to do none of those things, so it's kind of like I'm still her maid just not in heels, uniform, chains, and the rest of the get up. I would actually argue I'm more productive during this time off. I think I could make an argument with Mistress telling her I will be a much better maid if I don't have to wear heels and chains or a posture collar! I have the slight feeling she's not going to go for that sadly. I guess that's why I keep working so hard cleaning this week, I actually enjoy it when I'm free to move about the home comfortably.  It is very strange though; not being spanked daily, no files for hours on end, no maid uniform, no's so nice to not feel like I'm going to a second job when I get off of work! Though I know this is going to end very, very soon and I'll be back to reality...and I'm ok with that I think. Do I miss it? I wouldn't go that far....I do miss a few of my files, and the relaxation I got from them.  But if Mistress said I got to take another week long break I most certainly wouldn't cry; trust me that's not going to happen.
I suppose I want to take this post to explain myself due to a conversation I had this morning when another local domme messaged me and asked me a question. The question can be simply put as "Why on God's earth do you let her do all of these things to you?!". I think it's important to explain my position her as to extinguish any fears or concerns certain readers might have down the road. We love each other, like's almost humorous. We've both been very faithful to each other, and have lived a healthy relationship for several years. So why then do I let her somewhat abuse, humiliate, degrade, beat, punish, and ridicule me day in and day out? Why on earth do I let her subject me to these humiliating circumstances? Am I crazy? No. So why then have I agreed to this process when it's been so terrible being in my shoes thus far (and the funny thing is the worst and hardest parts haven't even begun)?
Getting Mistress a fitted steel collar soon
I always viewed myself as the dominant one in any relationship, I never knew I had this inner submission until my girlfriend clicked the lock shut on our very first chastity device over a year ago. Even at that point in time I did not fully understand I was a submissive; because I was doing whatever it took to "beat" my chastity and be in control. I'm the kind of person who wants, needs, and must be in control regardless of the situation; I need to know whats going on, whats going to happen so I can adjust accordingly. This drive is what I accredit my success and motivation thus far in life with, whether it be by means of education or work or money. So it truly doesn't make sense for me to put up with being her bitch does it? It really doesn't make sense that I'm the one getting fucked in the bed room now. We'll to me, I'm finding out more and more it's starting to become clear; why I'm truly a submissive. I was forced to be in control for many years, I had to in order to survive and meet my goals. Even through work I was forced to take control and manage people for a living, I was good at it. Yet I noticed one thing I had then I don't have now...stress. The stress would always pile on me, the pressure of keeping the bar as high as I had raise it at work truly was the kicker. It drove me mad. And I began to focus so heavily on making sure everything was perfect; I neglected my personal life and my family. Now I'm not in control, my girl friend is happier than ever, I see my family much more often and I have no worries. I don't even have to worry about getting up in the night to pee! Joking aside though, I do not enjoy every aspect of what I'm going through; I truly don't think I'm suppose to. But what I do enjoy is being submissive and giving up all control to her; if some humiliation and degradation comes from that; so be it. Im ok with it. If I had a choice would I like to be able to get off at my own leisure? Yes, but I know this is for the better. I know she's much happier that she is the one in control, because to be blunt she's never been good at being in control and it's an important skill to learn. She is supposed to make all the decisions in our home now with the exception of financial (my if she was in control of my investments I'd die). She still ask me on ideas of dinner, and I try my best to reiterate to her these are now her decisions. In sum please understand it's the submission I'm comfortable with, the other things are all products of that submission and I cannot pick and choose. This may sound funny since Mistress keeps talking about sending me to a professional to help break me in, to help me find my submissive state. I too still want this to since I'm having such a hard to viewing her as a Mistress, and view her as my girlfriend instead.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"Sooooo...what if I decided to cuckold you...."

I don't want to sleep in there...
You haven't posted since Saturday?! Gasp! We'll I'm here now, I've simply been terribly busy the past few days as has Mistress. Saturday evening panned into a wonderful surprise for both of us, no it did not involve her beating me or me wearing diapers in public. We went to a local restaurant with new friends, and then took a long walk; perfect evening. When we arrived home I could tell Mistress was horny, very horny. I made a suggestion which I'm not supposed to do that we should try the condoms and numbing cream this evening; she had been preluding to milking me all week so I thought just maybe I might get off! We'll with a cautious glare she agreed to give it a go; I was so excited! Not sure if the numbing cream worked fully, though I think it did. It was too late to tell by the time she threw her curve ball into the equation. "You can have sex with me, as long as I'm on top...but I'm adding something else to your dick; Icy Hot".  I've had Icy hot before for muscle aches, how bad could it actually be? She took a huge amount and rather than rubbing it on my dick, rubbed it into my balls. No words can describe the following pain, thank God she didn't have me tied up! I can't even imagine! She quickly slid the condom on and walked out of the room; I couldn't take the pain, the heat, the piercing feeling was too much for me to take. I jumped out of bed and into the bathtub and turned the water on to get it off. She was not amused and she starred at me with a very judgmental glare. "" was all she said leaving me to rinse off the Icy Hot, entering the other room I could here her preparing my diaper. "I tell you you can fuck me, and this is what you do....again it's no wonder you need diapers....get in here I don't care if it's still on you, get on your damn diaper". She was not happy. I begged her to try again and not put it on my balls, she was having none of it.  "I want you to get back on the ball and find me a crib, like yesterday. This is ridiculous." she said rolling over to go to sleep. "But you told me I would get relief today?!" I stammered as she went to bed. Laying it bed I felt humiliated, for everything...I blew my chance to get the one thing I I was frustrated as hell, horny and exhausted, as I began to dose off I filled my diaper without thinking about it, adding to my frustration. Waking up Sunday to her changing a messy diaper just gave her more ammunition for humiliation.
I don't want to not get to have sex....I really don't wanna be sitting in a diaper watching Mistress get it!
Sunday I ran out of town to take care of some things and upon arrival back home gave Mistress a hand with unloading her car, exciting right? We'll we had a massive family dinner planned for Sunday night and once it was over we headed home and had a long talk. She was mad that she let me have a "break" and that it lasted two days longer than she had planned. She also broke down to me about finances, admitting she needed my help. I'm great with money, she's not. She also needed help with her side business...she needed her boyfriend, not her sissy. Once I explained it to her, she began to see this break was going to have to last a little longer, for her own sake. She was mad she didn't come to me during my time off, I explained to her over the course of this week I would help her get on track, become organized and teach her to stay in a good rhythm. "Your still wearing your clit cage...and diapers at night....and calling me Mistress...and cleaning the house..." she said. I knew all of that, it was clear she needed my help though. I set her up on my financial software, and thought I could rest for the evening until she came out of the bathroom wearing her strap on. "Turn over and assume the position" she said. About ten minutes into pounding me she unlocked my chastity device and began stroking me. She did me in several positions then finally had me hold a cup in front of my dick. "I want it in the cup, all of it." she said continuing to pound away. When I got off it was wonderful, it felt so good! It had been several weeks since I truly had a real orgasm. I was ready for my diaper and a cosy bed, but that was halted. "Drink it" she said calmly. I came up with every excuse in the world, I knew I would throw up if I did, I couldn't do it. She demanded I drink it and when I wouldn't listen she put my chastity device on me and proceeded to diaper me, something she never does because she knows I won't sleep. I didn't dare say a word, I could tell she was not happy. "I don't know what it's going to take for you to start listening to me, but it better happen soon".  She poured the cum into the container along with the rest she had collected before and placed it back in the freezer. I laid in bed in silence while she made yet another comment about it was time to move me to a crib to fit my behavior as of late. "Your a sissy, sissies drink cum...period." She went to sleep, and I had trouble dozing off given the talk we had.
So that's where we are, Monday and today I've spent all my time at home cleaning and helping her control her finances and map out a plan for her financial goals. I apologize it's not the most exciting update, but I feel this is an important part of the process. She cannot fully focus on becoming a better domme if she has all of these underlying stresses in her life. So no, I don't view this as a set back. Rather this is how progress is going to happen! She did bring up something...interesting though. She asked me the other night how I would feel if she cuckolded me in a few years, I told her I viewed it as cheating. "You'd be present, in your crib, in your wouldn't be cheating", I was so puzzled why she would ask me that. "I thought you weren't interested in that..." I asked cautiously, she replied with "I'm not right now, but I may be... don't worry thats a ways away and we'd be married then, lets get your diaper on sissy." And that was the last she said of it.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

"Your such a wonder I keep you in diapers".

Add caption
I can assure you this whole thing hasn't come to a grinding stop, which is what you find across many blogs pertaining to this topic. My penis is still locked, I still have been scrubbing the house, and I unfortunately have spent the past two nights in very full diapers. I apologize for not posting, but it take's alot out of me to write these everyday. Two days ago (Thursday evening) as my Mistress referenced I came to her and told her I was stressed beyond measure; work was bearing down on me as I'm working on six various projects and trying to manage people who get paid much more than me. Mistress had been on a great role and the change was constant servitude; which I know will happen but work comes first. Bills, invoices, and papers were sitting on my desk at home and needed to be filed, investment accounts needed to be monitored, preparations for fall needed to be made, the lawn needed to be mowed, my truck needed to be cleaned and worked on and I was about to explode! So we talked and she agreed to give me a break for a few days. It's now saturday and I was supposed to spend the day cleaning and in her grasp again; she's out of town until this afternoon so I've continued checking things off of my list which needed to get done. I feel leaps and bounds better and my stress level has lowered, life just threw everything at me and I needed a small break.
Chastity stayed on, I was still diapered at night, and I was still doing things for her, but it was a lovely break.  Last night Mistress wanted to have some fun, and my horniness levels were through the roof so she rubbed my cock with numbing cream so we could have "vanilla sex". Well before she put the multiple condoms on she decided to rub my cock and balls with Icy Hot to make it even harder for me to get off. All I can say is I'm so glad I wasn't chained to the bed as she had originally planned. I've never felt that much pain in my life down there! I had to run to the bath tub to wash my balls off, she was not happy. "Your such a were going to get to have sex with me and you just blew it....rinse it off and get on the bed so I can diaper you, seems you just reinforced my choice to keep you in them, such a damn baby". she said.  We'll that wasn't nice I thought, I was not happy at my predicament and sat on the bed pouting. "Stop pouting, I know your diapered and act like a two year old but that doesn't mean go all out!" she snapped at me. I laid down to go to sleep as she softly said "enjoy your rest, soon you little dick will be kept in it's device even when your diapered, it won't be coming off be a good sissy and fill your diapers for me by morning or else."  She passed out and I got out of bed since it was early, I know soon when she gets the crib set up I won't have the freedom to venture off. Then it hit me like a rock; I messed without thinking about it... I was so frustrated on multiple levels and now having to sleep in my own filth was added to the equation.  I was not very happy to say the least. She cooed and praised me this morning for making a mess "aren't you excited to start diapers 24/7?! your puffy butt will waddle in public, everyone will think it's adorable!"   I'm scared about this, thankfully I did not go to Mistress B's this weekend, Mistress didn't get to meet up with her and I'm very glad I didn't have to. Hopefully I won't have to go there since public diaper humiliation was going to be her focal point for the weekend.  Mistress is talking to several dommes still, so I know it's only a matter of time, she referenced how badly she needed to break me in again last night. I'm not sure what's on the agenda for the rest of the day, but I promise I will let you know this evening. At least the crop hasn't been broken out for a few days, I'm sure it will pay me a visit tonight, as will her strap on. Thanks for reading, I promise I will post this evening even if it involves hours of hypnosis.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ever growing, Ever learning...

I don't think my weekend vacation will look like this...
This lifestyle truly is a journey of up's and down's! I think the longer we're on this journey the more we learn and grow. It feels like the development of this lifestyle is bubbling more and more with each passing day, and I'm excited to see where it takes us. This evening Mistress had to stay late for work, I had dinner ready when she got home and after greeting her properly we talked and enjoyed dinner. She needed to work on a few side jobs so she went ahead and spanked me with the crop for my continued bad behavior. Followed by diapering me and locking me in my ankle cuffs with a two foot chain between them, with my heels on of course. It's funny because I'm still struggling to get into a submissive state, and staying there. Which is why I know deep down as does she going to someone who does not see "there boyfriend" when they look at me is going to be the best thing for me. I basically need a weekend of hell, to the point where I go crawling back to Mistress, never wanting to upset her so she never sends me back to that person again. It's motivation really, and with the proper motivation I am capable of amazing things....I'm a driven person, so this will be no different. I've had people message me with concerns of going into a strangers home and being under there control for a weekend with no way to leave.  Let me clear the air; first off Mistress would have been in conversation with this person, also Mistress would have met this person and chatted. Only after then if she felt comfortable would this happen. So please don't think she's shipping me away to be sold into the argentinian sex trade, thats not happening. At least then I might be able to actually get off?! Ha Ha. She's talking to a few whom I have found, but one in particular has kind of stood out and Mistress began communication with her tonight. Mistress has mentioned going to multiple people over the course of this growing process for me through submission. The one she messaged today had a lite conversation with me about what her "making me crawl back to Mistress would entail" bondage, beat, abuse, leave me there...repeat. Which I think is exactly what Mistress is looking for.  Will the person get enjoyment out of this? Sure or they wouldn't do it. But this is more about me coming back to Mistress a melted ball of submissive goo.    It seems like I'm anxious for this to happen, because I am, but not in the way you might think. I will get no pleasure from this, I'm in chastity anyway! The pleasure I will get is the submission I will feel towards Mistress when I return. This will be good for me in essence, because Mistress is still developing as a dominant herself, me being a better submissive will make this process easier for the both of us. Another question I received was "why wouldn't your mistress be there"and the answer is simple actually; I wont see my girlfriend, she wont see her boyfriend it would simply be me as a slave, and a dominant, and thats all we see each other as. No other emotions get in the way, its simple me being treated like I should be. I hope this clarifies some of the concern, don't be concerned! Pray it happens soon so I can get better! As I've stated in many of my blogs I love my Mistress dearly, and I want to be the best I can be at this for her.  The two week period we were shooting for is still high hopes, since I will be traveling alot come the end of September, and I don't think I can wait longer to be a great slave. I have faith it will come through, though I'm scared of it happening I know it will be for the better. Also hoping Mistress develops several friends out of this process in the lifestyle so she can relate to someone in person.
These truly are the most open people you will find in the world and I'm excited about the friendships I'm making through this process. It brings people from all walks of life together, and that's an awesome thing.


The past few days

She needs some practice on aiming with a crop.
I apologize for not posting last night, toward the latter part of the evening as we were getting ready for bed Mistress became ill and I wanted to make sure she was ok, she's much better now. I hate not posting because I'm afraid I will forget a detail I think you will enjoy. Following my post Monday evening, Tuesday morning I awoke with a very full diaper. Sadly Mistress did not even get up to change me and had a hard time believing I even messed. I also took a shower before putting my chastity device on for the day which has now inspired her to actually wake up change me herself. I did not get much sleep Monday night, the mess made it hard to focus on sleep so I was not in a good mood overall Tuesday at work. Simple problems with people not doing their job making my job much harder than it actually should have been, all I know is I was not in a good mood thanks to incompetent people. Mistress B was texting me during the day and to say I had an attitude was an understatement. I guess I was kind of seeing if she would get made enough to actually take me this week, because I knew she wouldn't. We discussed schedules earlier in the day, and the weekend she wanted me to come is the 28th and I'm out of town, and the next two she's busy. So anyway I suppose I was rude. She kept saying "one more time with the attitude" and I kept replying, and she kept saying "one more time with the attitude" and nothing happened. This is MY BLOG to put down MY THOUGHTS so I'm not afraid to speak my mind here, all I know is does a seasoned dominant give a slave 5 chances? I guess that's what threw me off, she even said "Say one more thing and I'll make time to get you here this weekend and put you through hell" or something like that. I said something else and nothing happened. When I got home me and Mistress had dinner with friends at seven (as you can tell we are very sociable people) and she wanted to take full advantage of the two hours she had before it was time to leave the house.
24/7 is happening soon...not happy about that
She made me strip down to my thong and put me in my tall heels, then she cuffed my ankles to the long spreader bar, along with my ankles and proceeded to crop me for being disrespectful to Mistress B and not addressing her properly. Then her crop missed and hit the inner part of my thigh right next to you know what....and I hit the ground. I literally fell from the pain, I couldn't believe she hit me there. I know she did not mean too but hurt. She quickly undid my legs and leaned me over the bed to finish. At the end she said "Your going to Mistress B's for the weekend, I'll take you up there Friday and pick you up Sunday mid-day". So apparently I'm going, we'll see if it actually happens. If there is one thing I'm good at it's reading people, and I have a slight feeling simply by the way Mistress B has responded via text that I wont be going. We'll see, I'm not looking forward to it if I am, I was very rude and I shouldn't of been. I think I may be wrong though and I might actually be going since Mistress has said it, Mistress B, and Amy (Mistresses coach) have all "confirmed" it's happening. Apparently Mistress B's sissy is going to be there for the weekend, and I will be sleeping under the bed beneath them in bondage, gagged, and diapers. Mistress also said she's most excited about "Public Diaper Humiliation with Mistress B" and said she's really looking forward to it. Mistress B has said I need to get used to diapers with my chastity device and in public since that's my Mistresses goal. So it looks like I'll be paraded in public with thick diapers under my shorts, don't you love weekend rejuvenation?! After dinner Mistress instructed me to drive to Wal-greens and buy some numbing cream and condoms, so I guess tonight I will be getting to actually have sex....just not feeling anything. After we returned from Wal-greens she got a terrible stomach bug which hindered her play for the rest of the evening. Though at dinner she did wisp-per in my ear "I get horny thinking about hurting you"....not exactly the thing I wanted to here.   So that should be fun I guess. Tonight I have alot to do before she gets home, I need to mow, do alot of ironing, folding, cleaning the house, go to grocery store, cook dinner and what ever else is on her list. Last night was tiring as well, I messed again right before I laid down so it was two nights in a dirty diaper. I really just want to rest and do my own thing. Especially since I haven't eaten anything today, work was so busy I didn't even take a lunch break.  Last night while she was in the tub I laid down and flipped through a magazine I got in the mail, it's sad how much I enjoyed that time of nothingness. If I don't get good sleep soon I'm going to crash, my performance at work today showed how tired I am judging by how many mistakes I made today.  Will post tonight before bed.


Monday, September 2, 2013's not a game.

Im coming to terms with diapers.
It may seem like we are never at home on the weekends, though I can assure this is not the case all of the time. Lately we have been gone an oddly strange amount, that's changing now. We spent the holiday weekend with Family, well sunday and monday anyway. Awakening sunday morning Mistress was not happy I hadn't messed my diaper, but this was haulted by the fact we needed to get on the road. Driving too our destination we took two cars, I received a text from Mistress B asking if I was plugged, I replied with a hesitant "". She told me she though sissies should be plugged all during the day, to make them more submissive and get them use to having things up there ass....or something like that. I can tell you that was NOT a piece of advice I was passing along to Mistress, though she more than likely already recommended it to her. We enjoyed our get away and I asked Mistress B one question later in the day, if my time with her during training would be only under her roof, or if I would be leaving the house at all. Looking back I almost wish I wouldn't have asked that question. "Some in public, you need to get use to them" was her reply. Use to what I asked, which she stated "your diapers, you need to get use to wearing them 24/7 which is what your Mistress wants, this includes public". Great, one of my biggest fears...diapers in public, I want nothing to do with it! I'm a slim guy, if my pant's are puffy everyone will know, my waddle will be very obvious. "I truly wish you would re think that, I don't want to be exposed or humiliated, I don't want others to know I'm diapered ma'am" (I HAVE to address her as Ma'am and Mistress as Mistress in all communication or it adds 10 spankings to my first punishment session with her...I'm up to 81 apparently, though I think the count is opinion doesn't matter).  "Thats why it's going to be fun! You'll be extra submissive which is where your Mistress needs you".   I enjoyed the day with Mistress, I'm so lucky to call her mine, and even lucky enough to begin the journey to serve her. She truly is stunning, she has a glow about her when she smiles that reinforces why I want to be with her forever when I see it. Laying in bed she had already grabbed a diaper out of the suitcase and put it on me, I was cuddled up next to her when I asked her, as nicely, as sincerely as I could... "Please don't send me to Mistress B....she's alot meaner than you, I think it's going to be a nightmare".  "No, your going, its for sure now...don't ask me again, you need to go" was all she said. Even today it became more evident, they were texting a lot, and it was obvious. Sitting on the floor eating dinner when we finally returned home Mistre
ss giggled and kept smiling when she was looking at her phone, she said "diapers in public!" in a bubbly voice, and I knew my fears had been reaffirmed. Though I'm scared do not think Mistress is crossing a hard limit, she's not. She has few limits (she knows I'd never do anything homosexually related, and she would never make me do that) but other than that she has full control. If I truly wanted to stop this process I could look her in the eye and make it end, but I see how much happier she is now. After dinner she told me to lay on the bed, she inserted the medium plug in me and put on my black thong to hold it in. "Come on, across my lap now" she said sitting on the edge of the bed with a wooden spoon in hand. I didn't even fight it, it would have been pointless.
"You were bad this weekend" as she spanked me after each of the following statements.
-Yes Mistress  I replied.
"You did NOT call me Mistress, you are to do that EVERY Time"
-Yes Mistress.
"You did not behave and you weren't respectful"
-Yes Mistress (the blows began to multiply between statements)
"You are to always hold the door for me and allow me to enter first, anywhere, anytime, no questions!"
-Yes Mistress
I understand why I must be kept in chastity now.
"You are to listen and not sigh when I ask you to do something"
-Yes Mistress (now my ass is glowing and each strike is causing me to squirm)
"You are to do whatever I say immediately with no hesitation"
-Yes Mistress
The statements stopped and the spanking continued for a few minutes
"You understand why I'm sending you to Mistress B?"
-Yes Mistress
"It's going to be hell! this spanking is going to seem like massage!"
-Yes Mistress with pain in my voice
"Your going to be sleeping standing up chained in a closet! So fun!"
-Yes Mistress
"She's not going to put up with your attitude, your ass will be raw!"
-Yes Mistress
"Do you understand what I've said sissy?"
-Yes Mistress
She left me across her lap, gently rubbing my bright red bottom. She held me for a minute then told me to get to cleaning and report back when I was done. In the middle of my attempt to shine the kitchen, she put the posture collar on me, as if the plug wasn't bad enough. An hour passed and I was done. I really needed to use the rest room but she simply replied "too bad" and ignored me. She then took me into the bedroom and told me to prepare the chains on the bed for my hypnosis files. Chaining my arms to the bed (I might add when she plugged me, she put my heels on me, they are still on) she pulled them tight, blind fold which was wrapped again to ensure darkness, and my files began being pumped into my head. The files were some I hate, because I'm an ass guy, Mistress's ass is perfect and large...the good kind of large, shes not overweight by any means. The file was focused on building a stronger ass fetish for any women I see, yet not being allowed to get off. It played on loop for what seemed like hours. When she finally turned it off I was so happy to be out of the darkness. I got up and stretched and immediately wet my diaper without thinking about it, then I messed without giving second thought.   "What was that" I thought... I walked by the window in the kitchen and looked at myself in the reflection... heels causing my ass to stick out, legs straight, diaper wrapped around me. "This is life now, this is what your least it looks...kind of cute?" was what rushed through my mind. It's sad how scared I am of changing, I'm becoming more submissive daily, more dependent on her daily...and training truly hasn't begun. I don't think it will until she sends me to Mistress B's. Mistress said she will have my first weekend training planned and a date by mid week more than likely, and its possibly as close as the coming weekend.  When Mistress had me across her lap, Its clear shes growing much more confident. And my spankings tonight did not count towards my total tally for Mistress B's... She's still going to spank me for not addressing Mistress properly as well.

Goodnight, I hate falling asleep in a very diaper.