I hope everyone had an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving, I know I can speak for both of us when I say we have a lot to be thankful for in our home. We spent the day at her parents house with her family, and the day couldn't have been better. As for the D/s side of things, I've been locked the entire time (during the daytime when I'm not diapered anyway) since I returned from my trip. The day after Thanksgiving I traveled north to spend time with my family, she ended up making the drive as well. I laid down long before she did, and of course when I looked in her over night bag she brought a diaper. I was exhausted and fell asleep with my jail bird still locked on, something which never happens. I honestly wouldn't mind sleeping in my chastity device, because I know I can't trust myself to NOT attempt to get off. I mean, isn't that the point of a device? One can't expect a young male to have a mental chastity device, that doesn't exist! Thats why I bought her those high end locking panties from fetware.com, because in the past when I got really horny I have and would get off by undoing my diaper enough to be able to "grab it". The first night she had these I was hoping she would put them on, yet the chain jingled and instead of attempting to make the chain shorter or silencing it; she just put them up and said we would use the other pair at night...ugh (trying to help you here). Back to the prior night, I managed to fall asleep and stay asleep with no real struggle, waking up only once to the throbbing of the pull out pin digging into the top of my friend. Then, she crawled into bed and began grabbing me, then proceeded to unlock my device (not complaining). The play became stronger and I could tell she was as horny as it gets...then she pulled me inside her and I asked "Um...what are you doing?" her reply was simple "I'm drunk, and I'm horny". The next 15 minutes were absolutely wonderful, and all of the "crazy thoughts" I had been having the past few days washed away completely. In my eyes, it was the best sex we had ever had, for me anyway. I didn't get off inside her, so she told me to go ahead and "finish" into a towel. When I did waves of pleasure hit me like a typhoon, and the submissive switch turned off! I was jerked away from sub-space which I was close to entering and I was about of satisfied as I could be. "Let me get your diaper now" she said after I finished, I talked her out of it and we passed out for the rest of the night. Why on earth did she do that? I mean, I knew she wasn't super serious back in the rhythm yet, bet I mean...sex?! I was and still am shocked. Not complaining by any means yet after I started to think, am I sad I got off? Since all of the small submissive thoughts I had (and they were very few since we really haven't been very, active, in the lifestyle) simply vanished into thin air. The next morning the device went back on, yet there was no emotion to it, I wasn't "happy or sad" it was going back on, really apathetic to the whole situation. I guess that's the bad thing about getting off, and I understand why dommes who are serious about having a slave, rarely if ever let them get off. It makes you loose all desire to do anything, luckily though we haven't been doing much so I suppose it's ok.
I mentioned "crazy thoughts" a moment ago, and those all washed away. Obviously as of late I haven't been getting off, also as of late she really hasn't been engaging in this lifestyle; I've felt likes it's just chastity and diapers...on loop...with no meaning. In the past I've spoke how this used to drive me insane, it happened once and I almost went mad. The holidays are a busy time of year, and a wedding takes ALOT of time to plan, so I understand the absence I've seen and I'm not complaining by any means. Yet this may have a lot to do with the thoughts I've been having, since the steam that's building up by being in chastity has no where to go, and no substance behind it. Last time the steam was powering the engine which was me being her maid, I felt like something was being accomplished, and that my frustration had a purpose, because I had a means of using it, does that make sense? The thoughts I've had have coincided with what she originally said her goal was, yet I fully don't think those are her true goals. I was so frustrated last week from a sexual level and from the fact that sexual frustration had no where to go, or be used I wanted to go insane. The crazy thoughts I will list below:
1. That I wanted this to be full time job. What I mean is I wanted this to become my role in the home, that my vanilla life inside my home was gone, like it was last time. I wanted her to become strict and controlling yet with a purpose, I wanted a longterm goal to be set and begin the journey to obtaining it.
2. I wanted to go back into more humiliating situations, and a more humiliating lifestyle since that was what drove me last time to do the best job I could. That's what made me actually afraid to piss her off or not listen, it's what truly drove me into "sub space". More humiliating could mean a number of things, listen all bathroom privileges, feminizing me and turning me into a "sissy". I know she's stated she didn't enjoy that, I didn't particularly either but I think it had a lot of power over me, and it truly was the only thing which felt like an actual role reversal.
3. I wanted her to be in complete control, with a purpose of course. And I wanted her to begin to enjoy it again, and obtain the confidence she had when she had me on the tip of her finger. I feel last time she only had this for a few weeks at best, before she ended everything due to stress.
4. I wanted her to make this my new life, and to aim towards one release a year. I new this would make me become so dedicated and committed, it would make me truly a slave/maid to her. And it would prepare me for the final thing.
5. I wanted for her to be as happy as she could be through this life, and with the one release a year, and I had been trained and molded into a real maid dependent on diapers; I'd want her to still experience real sex, and I feel then I would be much more ok with cuckolding. She's said in a few years she'd possibly look into it, yet to me it's not really about humiliation, more about her being happy down the road. When I honestly think about it, ones only source of sexual satisfaction shouldn't be someone who pisses there self, scrubs the house in heals, and who you bend over the bed and fuck and who sleeps in a cage. I would want her to have the option of obtaining real sex. I'd go ballistic if she tried that today; because I'm not in the mindset. I have a feeling if I was that dependent on her, I would be.
6. The last thing I wanted was a no-way-out commitment for a set period of time, if she was going to pursue this "hard-core" as she calls it, I would want us to set a time frame like "In one year we can discuss stopping this, but until then...your the slave of the house" because I think I have a problem with weaseling out of situations, I'm good at it and that would prevent it.
I know, those sound odd. It freaked me out when I started having them, and I know I can't top from the bottom, which is why I never told her about these thoughts. I truly don't understand why I was having them. When I was talking to a friend online who is also submissive he/she (sissy) said "Maybe because deep down you know it's where you belong, and where you could make her the most happy". She got angry last night and said within the week "we have to start hardcore, because your not listening to anything I say, and It's driving me insane". So I've said it a hundred times on here...."we'll see" .... but it is the holidays! And I LOVE this time of the year, giving is my favorite thing in the world...maybe that's why I think this process will be the best, because it's such a selfless thing to do. I'm ok with everything right now because we just spent the day decorating for Christmas and the house looks great! Ready for Christmas to be here, giving her gifts might be my favorite thing to do for her, she deserves a lot of things she can't afford right now, and I take it upon myself to give them to her.
A personal diary of the adventures, trials, challenges, and love of a Female Led Relationship from the submissive's point of view. 24/7 365, This is our story
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thankful for diaper changes!
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for an unexpected diaper change before bed :) will update on the morrow.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
A Slave in the making
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I don't have to dress up like this! Yay! |
Two days before I was due to leave she wanted me diapered early in the evening, she placed me in two Abri-forms and put my "panties" on over them. It seemed I wet them immediately and messed them within the hour, by the time bed time came around I was waddling around the house and they began to swell a fair amount. I pouted going to bed, I hate sleeping in a messy diaper...it always seems she's happier when she knows I'm sitting in filth. I wet through out the night, more than likely without knowing and when I awoke the next day it was beyond full and swelled to it's fullest size. "Please can you change me" I asked in calm voice, "No...your going to leave them on for awhile, it will help you get used to them...go make some breakfast for us and we can discuss your dirty diaper after the house is clean". FINALLY a little before lunch I got a very embarrassing diaper change, it always is when I mess.

Later Friday Evening she diapered me and spanked me again for jacking off, again it didn't hurt...I suppose she forgot where her wooden spoon is haha. For some reason my stomach was giving me major problems and I could not stop going! It was terrible, she looked on with a evil grin "Your getting used to them pretty fast this time...it won't take long at all..." and she left it with that. There is a strange sense of comfort in them next to her, maybe I feel vulnerable, or ashamed, I'm not sure but I slept like a baby (no pun intended). The next morning I was a mess and I whined about wearing them, of course they stayed on until the house was clean and finally came off early afternoon on Saturday. We had a busy day of running errands and dinner with my family Saturday night, nothing out of the ordinary when we got home, my cage came off and she diapered me. Then I said something that pissed her off and the next thing I knew she had me in the closet sitting on the floor. She chained and locked each of my arm to respective side of the closet, opening the door again she placed the large ball gag in my mouth and blind folded me. "Do NOT talk back to me anymore, stay in here for a few hours and think about it"....sigh the time went by rather fast and I was let out. My diaper was wet at that point and we sat on the bed and I asked her if she would explain this new "go with chastity to me". So she did and what came out of the conversation was what follows:
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Her wedding present... |
Though I think she's bluffing on cuckolding I know she's serious on the rest, and I'm ok with it. I know in a year from now she will have me back to being a sissy. She still calls me debbie, makes me wear panties (even though I'm still getting away with boxers) and so on, so we will see. I think if we get to the point where we are both happy with where we are at with this process and she cuckolds me, she will have me molded into a full blown sissy maid. Right now I think her goal is to mold me into her submissive...we will she how it goes.
Feedback is welcome!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Horny, Cages, and whats to come.

All I know is I'm horny as it gets, and it's been less than a week! I can't keep my hands off of her, especially her ass (which I'm normally not allowed to touch, sure that will kick in soon). She know's I'm horny and has said somethings I didn't like hearing "The fact you can't get off me when your in your chastity cage shows me you were jacking off constantly". "Why didn't you just have sex with me when you had the chance? You blew it, you had your opportunity, now you don't get that anymore. If you want sex, I'll get my strap on and do you". When she's said these things it's reinforced to me why this process is happening, and why it's the right place for me. I did blow it, I should have had sex with her a lot more. And now I'm not only going to pay for it, it's going to change my life. Last night I told her I didn't think cuckolding would be good "But your not going to be manly enough for me soon, and by then you'll be so submissive and such a sissy you'll understand... plus I don't want to have sex with someone sitting in a pee soaked diaper!" I know this process will be best, a female led marriage is guaranteed success and happiness for her, which is all that matters. And the cage between my legs is a constant reminder of the privilege I lost, and won't get back.
Good Night
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The Lock has clicked.
Well my chastity device has been locked back on, apparently for good this time. Only time will tell if that is truly the case. As I posted we are getting married in 6-7 months, naturally the planning and preparations are going to come fast and our lives are going to be a little hectic leading up to the date. We've had some discussions about how this new chapter in our lives and in the Ds lifestyle will unfold, yet not enough to hash out the details and ease my wandering mind. Her mind is on the wedding, as is mine yet mine is also consumed with the cage I'm wearing; those in chastity understand this very well.
A few nights ago (I've been diapered everynight for the past week) we had a brief discussion about it, sadly she was exhausted and passed out before we could finish. I admitted that last time I had figured out how to get off in my chastity device (pull out pin too short, longer one in now) and that I was getting off on a regular basis. I told her she messed up when she would I've into my whining and pleas, when she was afraid of hurrying me... I knew I could manipulate situations to make the process easier for me...and I had an excuse for everything. I laid everything out, because I knew this time it had to be different, for her sake. During the conversation I asked if she wanted to make our marriage a female led one. If she wanted to be in control of her husband, if keeping him as a 24/7 submissive would make her happy, if she had a live in maid, in a chastity device which would truly keep him chaste (she wants an arch as my wedding present to her). I even told her down the road I'd be ok with cuckolding if she was serious. She agreed she wanted these things, and that it would make her happy to have all of those things. I explained if she truly wanted them, I would give them too her, Because I do love her. So now that the chastity device is locked back on, I feel like I'm back to giving her control completely, at a time when I'm not sure she will even have the time to pay attention to me, much less lead the relationship and begin to mold and establish order in a female led relationship. I hope I'm wrong, I simply don't want to be stuck in the limbo somewhere between our normal relationship...and the new one, especially since I would be the only one in limbo.
It's not so much I'm eager to become a full time "slave", it would be much more comfortable to continue on my current path, being lazy, not doing anything around the house, getting off whenever I want, and not having to listen to anyone. But I know how I processed this last time; it takes me ALONG time until I get in to what I call "sub space". Sub space is where I listen, I'll do whatever she ask out of fear of getting in trouble. I enter this mind set where I'm proud when she praises me and except my place in the relationship, completely. I don't mind being chained to the bed for hours listening to hypnosis when I'm in sub space, the strap-on starts to feel good, I feel I deserve the punishments I get, etc. I rarely entered subspace last time, because I found a way to get off, getting off was the reset button. But it took her being consistent, diligent, and dedicated in order to get me to that place, life is simply much better when I was in sub space (as a slave). The journey to that place is the part that's not fun, I always felt when she was going to send me to another domme; that it would quickly jolt me into that place, that never happened last time sadly.
The reason that trip never happened was multiple other female dominants, she felt, were trying to tell her how to run her relationship. She got very frustrated at this, so she never sent me away and stopped talking to the both of them. Looking back I don't think they were trying to tell her how to run her life, more they were trying to help her succeed in this lifestyle, because it was new for her and myself. This concerned me somewhat, because at least from what I could see, she was much more confident and in control when she would be talking to them. She needs to have someone to discuss the lifestyle with, it's healthy. I hope she realizes this and try's and works things out, or meet new ones anyway. I simply want this to be successful, I want her to be beyond happy, I want to be the giver of that happiness. I want her to have full complete control, to gain all the confidence that comes along with it, and the joy of having someone that dedicated to you, that's yours. I want her to know when she closes her eyes at night, that the person in the cage in the closet, or corner or wherever it is thinks that highly of her, enough to give her his entire life. I know this kind of a relationship can be beyond successful in a marriage, I've read countless stories, talked to a lot of people, and even her friend whose the dominant who lives out of state; who has a wonderful relationship with her husband, who happens to also be her sissy slave. I suppose I'm anxious, because my device is already locked on. I just want to make her happy, and I want to get the initial shell shock, over with.
A few nights ago (I've been diapered everynight for the past week) we had a brief discussion about it, sadly she was exhausted and passed out before we could finish. I admitted that last time I had figured out how to get off in my chastity device (pull out pin too short, longer one in now) and that I was getting off on a regular basis. I told her she messed up when she would I've into my whining and pleas, when she was afraid of hurrying me... I knew I could manipulate situations to make the process easier for me...and I had an excuse for everything. I laid everything out, because I knew this time it had to be different, for her sake. During the conversation I asked if she wanted to make our marriage a female led one. If she wanted to be in control of her husband, if keeping him as a 24/7 submissive would make her happy, if she had a live in maid, in a chastity device which would truly keep him chaste (she wants an arch as my wedding present to her). I even told her down the road I'd be ok with cuckolding if she was serious. She agreed she wanted these things, and that it would make her happy to have all of those things. I explained if she truly wanted them, I would give them too her, Because I do love her. So now that the chastity device is locked back on, I feel like I'm back to giving her control completely, at a time when I'm not sure she will even have the time to pay attention to me, much less lead the relationship and begin to mold and establish order in a female led relationship. I hope I'm wrong, I simply don't want to be stuck in the limbo somewhere between our normal relationship...and the new one, especially since I would be the only one in limbo.
It's not so much I'm eager to become a full time "slave", it would be much more comfortable to continue on my current path, being lazy, not doing anything around the house, getting off whenever I want, and not having to listen to anyone. But I know how I processed this last time; it takes me ALONG time until I get in to what I call "sub space". Sub space is where I listen, I'll do whatever she ask out of fear of getting in trouble. I enter this mind set where I'm proud when she praises me and except my place in the relationship, completely. I don't mind being chained to the bed for hours listening to hypnosis when I'm in sub space, the strap-on starts to feel good, I feel I deserve the punishments I get, etc. I rarely entered subspace last time, because I found a way to get off, getting off was the reset button. But it took her being consistent, diligent, and dedicated in order to get me to that place, life is simply much better when I was in sub space (as a slave). The journey to that place is the part that's not fun, I always felt when she was going to send me to another domme; that it would quickly jolt me into that place, that never happened last time sadly.
The reason that trip never happened was multiple other female dominants, she felt, were trying to tell her how to run her relationship. She got very frustrated at this, so she never sent me away and stopped talking to the both of them. Looking back I don't think they were trying to tell her how to run her life, more they were trying to help her succeed in this lifestyle, because it was new for her and myself. This concerned me somewhat, because at least from what I could see, she was much more confident and in control when she would be talking to them. She needs to have someone to discuss the lifestyle with, it's healthy. I hope she realizes this and try's and works things out, or meet new ones anyway. I simply want this to be successful, I want her to be beyond happy, I want to be the giver of that happiness. I want her to have full complete control, to gain all the confidence that comes along with it, and the joy of having someone that dedicated to you, that's yours. I want her to know when she closes her eyes at night, that the person in the cage in the closet, or corner or wherever it is thinks that highly of her, enough to give her his entire life. I know this kind of a relationship can be beyond successful in a marriage, I've read countless stories, talked to a lot of people, and even her friend whose the dominant who lives out of state; who has a wonderful relationship with her husband, who happens to also be her sissy slave. I suppose I'm anxious, because my device is already locked on. I just want to make her happy, and I want to get the initial shell shock, over with.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Aiming toward the future...
Well as my last post states; we are engaged and we couldn't be more excited about it; I truly do love her more than anything. And I am a lucky person to call her mine. I apologize for vanishing, life got really stressful for her and I knew I wanted to propose, so I suggested a break and she agreed. We stopped everything and my chastity device began to collect dust and my bladder started to get stronger, and the house just a little bit dirtier! I'll be honest,' I didn't want to propose wearing a diaper , or with a plug in me. I wanted us to be "normal" during the proposal...Then that got me thinking, who constitutes what is our normal?
Since we stopped living the life style I did notice a few things, I was resorting back to my old habits, and even though I had access to all the sex I wanted, I didn't take advantage of it. I found myself becoming lazy again, not something I'm really proud to admit. A few days after the proposal she found a rag I had jacked off in, I wasn't honest with her about it and she knew exactly what it was. "I think we need to put the cage back on, you know I HATE it when you do that behind my back."It was the first mention of chastity in along time, I didn't argue with her. A few minutes later she turned on the closet light and walked to my side of the bed, opening my eyes I could see she was holding a diaper. I didn't even try to argue, rolling to the other side of the bed after she placed the diaper on me. "Don't be mad you knew this could happen again any day...we never stopped for good". I awoke with a soaking wet diaper, funny how quickly things returned. After a long day at work I returned home to and enjoyed a lovely evening relaxing with my soon to be wife, laying down before bed the topic arose of "what was to come" through this next run of female led relationship. She said after Christmas and when the wedding planning was over she would begin to do more; such as wav files and such. She did say several surprising things such as; Im not going to turn you into a girl, I wont feminize you and so on. "So I don't have to wear a maids outfit, shave my legs, or wear heels?" I said with some joy, "I never said that, you never know when I'll change my mind" was her only reply.
The conversation drifted and I was more worried/curious about the long term; what were her plans and how was this going to pan out? With us getting married would anything change? What came from the conversation was I'm not going to get to have sex with her for the next six months, the earliest would be the night of our wedding, and even then it wasn't a guarantee. I'd be kept in chastity until then and be milked or have a ruined orgasm once every two weeks, and I would be diapered every night and in time start wearing them during the day. She also said before too long she wants me to start sleeping in a cage in the bedroom, she wants one big enough so I'm not super cramped and could be left in for long periods of time. "I'm not going to "train" you, but if I tell you to wash dishes it better get done right then, or else". I discussed possibilities on how are new life together could pan out and gave her a scenario: "So your slowly getting back into this, by the time of the wedding you'll more than likely be back to 100%, of me being the "wife" of the relationship. When we get married it will continue, this will be "life"and at some point after your prolly going to start cuckolding me" "Thats about 90% correct I presume, except the cuckolding thing I'm not sure about yet...I'd rather find a guy that will fuck you and me" she said with a very serious face. "What the hell are you talking about? You can't be serious" I snapped. "Very actually", "I'm not gay, you know that, I would never let you do that". "Well you kind of wont have a choice, since you'll be tied up, it'll be fun! You'll like it, I know you enjoy my strap on...it's the same thing. He'll fuck you, then you can watch us from your cage. I think that would be much better than simply cuckolding, that way we both win". I truly couldn't believe she said that, sad thing is I believe her when she said she was serious. "Your not scared about this process, you'll do everything because you love me"was the last thing she said that night.
Deep down I know everything we did last time, will be back again. She will continue to feminize me, rather she admits it now or not. I honestly think this time might be more serious than before, since she may be building the roles for the long run now that we are getting married. I do know she will not be blogging, she may every now and then, but as for now she will not. What frustrated her to stop last time was multiple other dominants who were trying to help her learn, she felt like they were trying to tell her how to run her relationship (even though that was not their intention). So now she's set to do things her way...but with wedding planning on her mind, it may effect her memory to my benefit! It's been three days and the chastity device hasn't gone on yet! Praise the lord she's not a morning person! Maybe this trend will keep up and I won't end up being a life long "sissy slave".
Since we stopped living the life style I did notice a few things, I was resorting back to my old habits, and even though I had access to all the sex I wanted, I didn't take advantage of it. I found myself becoming lazy again, not something I'm really proud to admit. A few days after the proposal she found a rag I had jacked off in, I wasn't honest with her about it and she knew exactly what it was. "I think we need to put the cage back on, you know I HATE it when you do that behind my back."It was the first mention of chastity in along time, I didn't argue with her. A few minutes later she turned on the closet light and walked to my side of the bed, opening my eyes I could see she was holding a diaper. I didn't even try to argue, rolling to the other side of the bed after she placed the diaper on me. "Don't be mad you knew this could happen again any day...we never stopped for good". I awoke with a soaking wet diaper, funny how quickly things returned. After a long day at work I returned home to and enjoyed a lovely evening relaxing with my soon to be wife, laying down before bed the topic arose of "what was to come" through this next run of female led relationship. She said after Christmas and when the wedding planning was over she would begin to do more; such as wav files and such. She did say several surprising things such as; Im not going to turn you into a girl, I wont feminize you and so on. "So I don't have to wear a maids outfit, shave my legs, or wear heels?" I said with some joy, "I never said that, you never know when I'll change my mind" was her only reply.
The conversation drifted and I was more worried/curious about the long term; what were her plans and how was this going to pan out? With us getting married would anything change? What came from the conversation was I'm not going to get to have sex with her for the next six months, the earliest would be the night of our wedding, and even then it wasn't a guarantee. I'd be kept in chastity until then and be milked or have a ruined orgasm once every two weeks, and I would be diapered every night and in time start wearing them during the day. She also said before too long she wants me to start sleeping in a cage in the bedroom, she wants one big enough so I'm not super cramped and could be left in for long periods of time. "I'm not going to "train" you, but if I tell you to wash dishes it better get done right then, or else". I discussed possibilities on how are new life together could pan out and gave her a scenario: "So your slowly getting back into this, by the time of the wedding you'll more than likely be back to 100%, of me being the "wife" of the relationship. When we get married it will continue, this will be "life"and at some point after your prolly going to start cuckolding me" "Thats about 90% correct I presume, except the cuckolding thing I'm not sure about yet...I'd rather find a guy that will fuck you and me" she said with a very serious face. "What the hell are you talking about? You can't be serious" I snapped. "Very actually", "I'm not gay, you know that, I would never let you do that". "Well you kind of wont have a choice, since you'll be tied up, it'll be fun! You'll like it, I know you enjoy my strap on...it's the same thing. He'll fuck you, then you can watch us from your cage. I think that would be much better than simply cuckolding, that way we both win". I truly couldn't believe she said that, sad thing is I believe her when she said she was serious. "Your not scared about this process, you'll do everything because you love me"was the last thing she said that night.
Deep down I know everything we did last time, will be back again. She will continue to feminize me, rather she admits it now or not. I honestly think this time might be more serious than before, since she may be building the roles for the long run now that we are getting married. I do know she will not be blogging, she may every now and then, but as for now she will not. What frustrated her to stop last time was multiple other dominants who were trying to help her learn, she felt like they were trying to tell her how to run her relationship (even though that was not their intention). So now she's set to do things her way...but with wedding planning on her mind, it may effect her memory to my benefit! It's been three days and the chastity device hasn't gone on yet! Praise the lord she's not a morning person! Maybe this trend will keep up and I won't end up being a life long "sissy slave".
Monday, November 4, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Why on earth am I letting this happen to me?!
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I need thicker for night time, maybe this? |
I suppose I want to take this post to explain myself due to a conversation I had this morning when another local domme messaged me and asked me a question. The question can be simply put as "Why on God's earth do you let her do all of these things to you?!". I think it's important to explain my position her as to extinguish any fears or concerns certain readers might have down the road. We love each other, like alot...it's almost humorous. We've both been very faithful to each other, and have lived a healthy relationship for several years. So why then do I let her somewhat abuse, humiliate, degrade, beat, punish, and ridicule me day in and day out? Why on earth do I let her subject me to these humiliating circumstances? Am I crazy? No. So why then have I agreed to this process when it's been so terrible being in my shoes thus far (and the funny thing is the worst and hardest parts haven't even begun)?
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Getting Mistress a fitted steel collar soon |
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
"Sooooo...what if I decided to cuckold you...."
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I don't want to sleep in there... |
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I don't want to not get to have sex....I really don't wanna be sitting in a diaper watching Mistress get it! |
So that's where we are, Monday and today I've spent all my time at home cleaning and helping her control her finances and map out a plan for her financial goals. I apologize it's not the most exciting update, but I feel this is an important part of the process. She cannot fully focus on becoming a better domme if she has all of these underlying stresses in her life. So no, I don't view this as a set back. Rather this is how progress is going to happen! She did bring up something...interesting though. She asked me the other night how I would feel if she cuckolded me in a few years, I told her I viewed it as cheating. "You'd be present, in your crib, in your diaper....it wouldn't be cheating", I was so puzzled why she would ask me that. "I thought you weren't interested in that..." I asked cautiously, she replied with "I'm not right now, but I may be... don't worry thats a ways away and we'd be married then, lets get your diaper on sissy." And that was the last she said of it.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
"Your such a baby...no wonder I keep you in diapers".
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Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Ever growing, Ever learning...
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I don't think my weekend vacation will look like this... |
These truly are the most open people you will find in the world and I'm excited about the friendships I'm making through this process. It brings people from all walks of life together, and that's an awesome thing.
The past few days
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She needs some practice on aiming with a crop. |
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24/7 is happening soon...not happy about that |
Monday, September 2, 2013
Affirmation...it's not a game.
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Im coming to terms with diapers. |
ss giggled and kept smiling when she was looking at her phone, she said "diapers in public!" in a bubbly voice, and I knew my fears had been reaffirmed. Though I'm scared do not think Mistress is crossing a hard limit, she's not. She has few limits (she knows I'd never do anything homosexually related, and she would never make me do that) but other than that she has full control. If I truly wanted to stop this process I could look her in the eye and make it end, but I see how much happier she is now. After dinner she told me to lay on the bed, she inserted the medium plug in me and put on my black thong to hold it in. "Come on, across my lap now" she said sitting on the edge of the bed with a wooden spoon in hand. I didn't even fight it, it would have been pointless.
"You were bad this weekend" as she spanked me after each of the following statements.
-Yes Mistress I replied.
"You did NOT call me Mistress, you are to do that EVERY Time"
-Yes Mistress.
"You did not behave and you weren't respectful"
-Yes Mistress (the blows began to multiply between statements)
"You are to always hold the door for me and allow me to enter first, anywhere, anytime, no questions!"
-Yes Mistress
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I understand why I must be kept in chastity now. |
-Yes Mistress (now my ass is glowing and each strike is causing me to squirm)
"You are to do whatever I say immediately with no hesitation"
-Yes Mistress
The statements stopped and the spanking continued for a few minutes
"You understand why I'm sending you to Mistress B?"
-Yes Mistress
"It's going to be hell! this spanking is going to seem like massage!"
-Yes Mistress with pain in my voice
"Your going to be sleeping standing up chained in a closet! So fun!"
-Yes Mistress
"She's not going to put up with your attitude, your ass will be raw!"
-Yes Mistress
"Do you understand what I've said sissy?"
-Yes Mistress
She left me across her lap, gently rubbing my bright red bottom. She held me for a minute then told me to get to cleaning and report back when I was done. In the middle of my attempt to shine the kitchen, she put the posture collar on me, as if the plug wasn't bad enough. An hour passed and I was done. I really needed to use the rest room but she simply replied "too bad" and ignored me. She then took me into the bedroom and told me to prepare the chains on the bed for my hypnosis files. Chaining my arms to the bed (I might add when she plugged me, she put my heels on me, they are still on) she pulled them tight, blind fold which was wrapped again to ensure darkness, and my files began being pumped into my head. The files were some I hate, because I'm an ass guy, Mistress's ass is perfect and large...the good kind of large, shes not overweight by any means. The file was focused on building a stronger ass fetish for any women I see, yet not being allowed to get off. It played on loop for what seemed like hours. When she finally turned it off I was so happy to be out of the darkness. I got up and stretched and immediately wet my diaper without thinking about it, then I messed without giving second thought. "What was that" I thought... I walked by the window in the kitchen and looked at myself in the reflection... heels causing my ass to stick out, legs straight, diaper wrapped around me. "This is life now, this is what your becoming...at least it looks...kind of cute?" was what rushed through my mind. It's sad how scared I am of changing, I'm becoming more submissive daily, more dependent on her daily...and training truly hasn't begun. I don't think it will until she sends me to Mistress B's. Mistress said she will have my first weekend training planned and a date by mid week more than likely, and its possibly as close as the coming weekend. When Mistress had me across her lap, Its clear shes growing much more confident. And my spankings tonight did not count towards my total tally for Mistress B's... She's still going to spank me for not addressing Mistress properly as well.
Goodnight, I hate falling asleep in a very diaper.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Morning sex, Bedtime sex

Friday, August 30, 2013
Sending me off to be broken in?
There was no flaunting of a sissy through out the house, chains clinking between heels as she cleaned gracefully shaking her ass as instructed by her Mistress. No strap on violated me, no hypnosis files were played for hours on end, well yet anyway. Yet despite all of this it was one of the most stone setting days thus far, today solidified just how serious Mistress is, just how far she wants this to go, and made clear she wants to mold me into her maid, her servant, her sex toy, her sissy. How could all of these things happened without D/s or kink involvement today? Well there was some of it, she just diapered me for the evening but not before spanking me telling me how bad of a slave I was. She had me greet her when I got home, and reddened my ass with a wooden spoon. Im sure she would have done more if it were not for our friends coming over for dinner and chatting all evening, which was wonderful. How could it be then that today was so monumental of a day?
As I've talked about in recent post, there is a Mistress who lives a few hours away. We've talked alot the past few days and she truly has been a help in aiding me to break down my road blocks in my mind, to accept becoming my Mistresses slave. She's helping to break down the barrier of my viewing her only as my girlfriend and not my Mistress. The feelings I get of silliness or that its dumb when she commands me to sit, or greet her...she is beginning to put it in terms so I start to understand why it's my place to do those things. I suppose it started out as a joke in our morning conversation, I was chatting with Mistress B on Fetlife and we were discussing vanilla headaches, one thing was jobs. I made a joke and stated she should has aspiring Femdoms pay her to whip her slaves into shape. Well little did I know her and Mistress were talking at the same time, and they were also texting. This became evident when Mistress B told me to ask my Mistress if it was ok if we texted, My mistress quickly agreed. The conversations were about me fears, how I'm hard headed and being resistant to this process. Earlier my Mistress had text me and told me she had been thinking about it, and believed it would be in both of our best interest if she let Mistress B do exactly what I joked about..."whip me into shape". Yet my Mistress added a few words which caught my eye "I'm going to send you..." and "for a few days...." to the statement. "Are you actually going to send me to another Dominant for an entire weekend?" I asked. "Yes actually...I am, you have no choice." I was terrified, and my mind began racing with a million questions about what ifs and hows that going to work, what am I going to do, what is she going to do to me? I made the mistake of directing some of these questions to Mistress B, she told me it wasn't my place to know. Through the conversation she assured me I would leave a much better sub, and much more submissive. She talked about how when she sends me back, I would behave properly for my Mistress by the time she was threw with me. I got nervous, worried, and began trying to top from the bottom with my Mistress...its clear my Mistress has made up her mind on this, I'll be going to Mistress B's. Though Mistress is concerned that our schedules will not align soon, and for personal reasons the initial visit needs to take place in the next three weeks. I know I will benefit from my stay under her control, because she's be so stern, consistent, and directive today just through text! When she text me she told me when addressing her through text I must address her as Ma'am in each one, and for everytime I didn't she was going to spank me when I arrived. She's been keeping count consistently for each violation. She also told me how I need to address my Mistress, and I'm sure she will want a violations count from her. For the first few days its 1 hit for each violation, then it moves to 10. I noticed, since I KNEW she was keeping count, I made it a point to address properly. I think she has the mindset Mistress wants, and I know shes going to teach her a lot and I'm very thankful for that. My mindset has changed completely from my fears. I know it will be beneficial for me to go, I know she can drive submission into me and return me to my Mistress with the right attitude and outlook I need to have. I love my Mistress dearly, I'd do anything to make her happy, and if that means spending a weekend under strict control...I'm glad to do it.

Thursday, August 29, 2013
Hypnosis, Thoughts, and one tired sub
One thing I forgot to mention yesterday was Mistress caught me in boxers, stupid mistake. I put them on when I went to go see friends since I was wearing basketball shorts; not wanting to flaunt my white and black thong I chose an old pair of boxers. I told myself to remove them when I got back home, and I forgot. Which was why she reddened my ass so bad yesterday, and it put her in a very aggressive mood for the remainder of the evening. Awakening this morning she was not happy I hadn't "messed" my diaper, despite the fact it was soaked through and through. "I think it's time for you to go into diapers 24/7, its the only way your going to become fully dependent on them" she said as she woke. Shuttering that thought away I found myself reflecting on something she stated last night, which kind of bugged me. I don't want to be her cuckold, yet I feel in time its inevitable and the signs are painted on the wall; A.) "your not going to have sex with me again" B.) "your going to be sleeping in a crib every night, not next to me anymore" C.) Her making me suck her strap-on and progressively training my hole to take larger dildos and plugs. D.) Her wanting a milking machine so she wont risk me feeling pleasure during a monthly milking. E.) "soon your cage isn't coming off anymore, your going to have to learn to wear it and your diaper" F.) When I was pleasuring her with the strap on she said "its just not the same as the real thing, sorry but you can stop". And Lastly what she said last night "I need to get you an isolation hood and a mask, I have to stop viewing you as my boyfriend and start seeing you as my slave, the mask will move this along much faster". I felt hurt, worried, and concerned why she doesn't want to see me as her boyfriend. When I repeated it back to her she said that wasn't what she meant. But that reply did not satisfy me, and reminded me of when Mobico asked his wife the proverbial question "Do you view me as your husband or your slave?". I over think everything and I know I just need to sit back and ride this train, after all it was I who introduced her to chastity, I just never thought we'd come this far, and we still have along way to go. I know hundreds of guys out there would KILL to be in my shoes, but it's not all fun and games. Though I did notice I'm not as horny today, I think I may of had a wet dream since my balls no longer ache, guess I need to check the diaper.
She is wanting alot of new items, so I asked her to prioritize them for me last night and she said she wanted the crib within the week, then the hood, then a highchair, then the machine, then the maxcita straight jacket. To me this sounds like a cocktail for a miserable slave! Add to the list the items I will be adding to surprise her with; the new corsets, jewel designer butt plug, and the steel collar I found, One she can actually leave on me full time when I'm not in public since I'm sure she's going to start leashing me soon when ever she makes me start crawling around.
When I went home for lunch I didn't eat, instead I cleaned like a mad man, or, girl? So I would have less to do this evening. It's actually 2:00pm now as I'm typing this first part of the blog, I plan on cleaning like crazy when I get home from work. Clean whole house quickly and not do it in heels, plugged, and chains? Yes please! Wonderful conversations continued today with the Mistress I referenced yesterday, I'm excited to tell Mistress that she's really nice and I think they will hit it off. Its SO NICE to be able to talk to someone about it other than Mistress's "coach" and get insight into a domme. Another local Mistress gave me permission to message her slave, I've yet to do it though.
Well It's now a little after seven, I messaged the other submissive and I think were off to a great conversation! I continued to talk with the Mistress who lives close, and she's really helped me with alot of the mental roadblocks I've put in place through this process. She's also taken alot of concern away from exposure and humiliation today. One thing she stated was she thinks I need much more hypnosis, to help continue to solidify my training and transformation; she stated it's obvious it's working on me. I truly am thankful for our long conversation today, it's nice to talk to someone who is as kind, real, and honest as she is! I thought about it and asked myself the question "If she was sitting in our living room with Mistress would you be embarrassed to serve them in your maid outfit, or her seeing Mistress do anything to you?" The answer quickly came to my head "no I wouldn't". I think the reason I feel this way is because she understands the lifestyle, and a sub missives place in the whole scheme. Now, I don't know if that day will come where her and Mistress become close enough where she begins the visit, I hope it does but thats not what was comforting. The notion that there are others in the local community with her same outlook is comforting. "You'll never meet a group of more open minded people.." she said, and that's comforting. I've been cleaning since the minute I got home and its time to prepare dinner, be back soon!
The floors look amazing and I cooked a wonderful meal, I also made sure I welcomed Mistress properly when she got home ;) I cleaned like I was insane this afternoon, the amount of sweat pouring off of me you would have thought I was mowing the lawn! It was SO hot for some reason. I rushed to the grocery store and got home just as Mistress was arriving. I finished dinner and we enjoyed our meal, I sat on the floor and proceeded to clean the kitchen when I was done, granted its still not clean I made a huge mess during dinner. Before I started cooking Mistress had me lay down on the bed naked, she contemplated putting me in my uniform, the opted to go ahead and diaper me for the evening and putting an apron on me for while I cooked. I hate it when she gets home so late in the evening; I know she's unwinding from the day and the last thing she wants to do is train or think of all the rules she has to enforce. So I do understand, yet its SO FRUSTRATING when Im on these long chastity stints; because I feel like we've only had one day of solid training and involvement since my business trip got in the way earlier this week. The only reason I harp on wanting her to be consistent and to start enforworth it. When she's consistent and I go into "sub space" then I don't think about chastity, getting off no longer matters, all that matters is pleasing her and making her happy. I want that to be constant! And I know it can, and I know in time it will. I just have to be patient, on the day I make enough money to tell her to quit her job, I will cry tears of joy because she truly does work so hard and is underpaid just as many people are in this economy. Any ways after I cleaned the kitchen she was in the bedroom setting up the restraints for a hypnosis section. She hadn't done one in awhile, but before leaving the room she took the gag and made a new hole in the belt "Since you like to try and spit this out, I'm going to make it to where you can't even get it out of your mouth" was all she said as she tightened the ball gag to a painful tension. My mouth still hurts like hell. For two hours I listened to hypnosis files, I laid there and hoped a certain file would come on, "chasstity" is it's title, it takes me to such a happy place and I feel it has made the biggest impact on me, yet it never came. I tried to tell her before she started and she just walked away. I came out of my trance and didn't say a word as she turned on the lights and removed my restraints and blind fold. It was a very interesting vibe I was feeling. I didn't want to move, I didn't want to sleep I just wanted to stay there. Even after I got up I didn't shake this feeling until about thirty minutes later, and it left me overly tired. My limbs are aching from the chains, she pulled them as tight as she could. Need to get some rest, not sure if tomorrow will be full of fun or not. I suppose we'll see!
cing all of the rules, being strict and never breaking her role (though I know when that day does come I will want these days back) is that it makes the massive waves of frustration that chastity is bringing to my mind every minute
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None of this, this evening. |
When I went home for lunch I didn't eat, instead I cleaned like a mad man, or, girl? So I would have less to do this evening. It's actually 2:00pm now as I'm typing this first part of the blog, I plan on cleaning like crazy when I get home from work. Clean whole house quickly and not do it in heels, plugged, and chains? Yes please! Wonderful conversations continued today with the Mistress I referenced yesterday, I'm excited to tell Mistress that she's really nice and I think they will hit it off. Its SO NICE to be able to talk to someone about it other than Mistress's "coach" and get insight into a domme. Another local Mistress gave me permission to message her slave, I've yet to do it though.

The floors look amazing and I cooked a wonderful meal, I also made sure I welcomed Mistress properly when she got home ;) I cleaned like I was insane this afternoon, the amount of sweat pouring off of me you would have thought I was mowing the lawn! It was SO hot for some reason. I rushed to the grocery store and got home just as Mistress was arriving. I finished dinner and we enjoyed our meal, I sat on the floor and proceeded to clean the kitchen when I was done, granted its still not clean I made a huge mess during dinner. Before I started cooking Mistress had me lay down on the bed naked, she contemplated putting me in my uniform, the opted to go ahead and diaper me for the evening and putting an apron on me for while I cooked. I hate it when she gets home so late in the evening; I know she's unwinding from the day and the last thing she wants to do is train or think of all the rules she has to enforce. So I do understand, yet its SO FRUSTRATING when Im on these long chastity stints; because I feel like we've only had one day of solid training and involvement since my business trip got in the way earlier this week. The only reason I harp on wanting her to be consistent and to start enforworth it. When she's consistent and I go into "sub space" then I don't think about chastity, getting off no longer matters, all that matters is pleasing her and making her happy. I want that to be constant! And I know it can, and I know in time it will. I just have to be patient, on the day I make enough money to tell her to quit her job, I will cry tears of joy because she truly does work so hard and is underpaid just as many people are in this economy. Any ways after I cleaned the kitchen she was in the bedroom setting up the restraints for a hypnosis section. She hadn't done one in awhile, but before leaving the room she took the gag and made a new hole in the belt "Since you like to try and spit this out, I'm going to make it to where you can't even get it out of your mouth" was all she said as she tightened the ball gag to a painful tension. My mouth still hurts like hell. For two hours I listened to hypnosis files, I laid there and hoped a certain file would come on, "chasstity" is it's title, it takes me to such a happy place and I feel it has made the biggest impact on me, yet it never came. I tried to tell her before she started and she just walked away. I came out of my trance and didn't say a word as she turned on the lights and removed my restraints and blind fold. It was a very interesting vibe I was feeling. I didn't want to move, I didn't want to sleep I just wanted to stay there. Even after I got up I didn't shake this feeling until about thirty minutes later, and it left me overly tired. My limbs are aching from the chains, she pulled them as tight as she could. Need to get some rest, not sure if tomorrow will be full of fun or not. I suppose we'll see!
cing all of the rules, being strict and never breaking her role (though I know when that day does come I will want these days back) is that it makes the massive waves of frustration that chastity is bringing to my mind every minute
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