"Come right back to the bed, I feel like having sex sissy..." was the first thing Mistress said to me through my morning grogginess. I was taken back, she was breaking out the strap on at crack of dawn...well four hours after the sun rise. She didn't use the big dildo, but she had me bent over the bed for about ten minutes, it felt pretty good, the small one always does. I've noticed she never does me very long, I'm sure this will change in time, as my hole becomes more receptive to receiving things. She did not take me right away, my diaper was rather soaked and she wanted me to stay in it for awhile while I cooked her breakfast. She also took pictures of my diaper and sent it to her acquaintance I believe. After cooking a wonderful breakfast and she finished pounding me, she spanked me for my continuing of being bad. It was nothing is specific I believe, just in general behavior she hasn't been happy with. This is not surprising given my overall resistant the past few days. We spent the day visiting an old friend of mine and returned home around 9pm. She told me she had some things she wanted to do before we laid down for the evening. "Im going to fuck you again, get ready on the bed, your cage is staying on". I didn't argue, though I wanted to... I just wanted to be put in my diaper and left alone. One thought on the diapers are they are becoming a safe place for me; I'm not in chastity in them, she can't stick anything in me or spank me...they are kind of nice, not to mention kind of comfy, I'm growing to like them a lot which I know was her intention. When she makes me dependent on the diapers I'm dependent on her... But my diaper didn't come on, and after she mounted me from behind with the smaller dildo, she went into the bathroom and put on her large one. The smaller one had been cleaned and was shoved into my mouth for me to suck on while she forced the large one into me. I'm still not use to this monster, I feel so different when it's thrusting into me, violated, scared, waves of pleasure and my mind races. What ran through my mind tonight was is the only point of her training me on dildos only going to be reserved for her dominant pleasure? Or does she have underlying plans for the far future where she wants me to be prepared?! I can't see her "whoring me out" but she has joked about it numerous times. I know I'm just thinking crazy. The session went on for about 20 minutes, and I wanted it to end so badly. When it was finally over she let me sit on the toilet rather than diapering me immediately; for which I was very thankful. When she doesn't let me, I go to bed feeling used. But I'm in my diapers and panties now, she also has been MUCH more stern on me calling her Mistress every time I speak to her, she said she was keeping count to tell her new dominant friend. An update on that field; Mistress said she wasn't sure when that was going to happen since apparently schedules aren't alligning. The three week window might not be met sadly, but then again it may work out, so we'll see. If Mistress B can help me become a better slave to my Mistress, I want to do it as soon as possible...because I hate letting her down. I want to take this seriously for her. I want to be the best sissy in the world, for her. I want to obey and listen and do as I'm told, yet I'm having a hard time breaking down these barriers in my mind. I hope schedules align so it happens in the next three weeks so I can start serving my Mistress to the best of my ability. Going to spend the holiday with Family, will be back Monday night. Thanks for reading, please ask any question you like.
these blogs are great its awesome that you both do this. please keep it up as many of us are trying to learn from you!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Apparently we haven't even begun according to Mistress. Hang on for a ride!