A very long day at work, was made even longer due to my lack of sleep last night. My sleep deprivation was not brought on by any evil doing of Mistress, rather the animals were making alot of noise. Between the symphony of the cat and the annoyance from the dog sleep was not in my forecast. It did not help receiving a text after I left the house telling me to be in my outfit cleaning when I got home, I knew I was going to be exhausted and the only thing I wanted to do was sleep. After an eight hour meeting of site I returned to my office around 3:30 in the afternoon. Thankfully my boss walked in and told me to head home, since my whole team had a long day. Im in consulting, I'll leave it at that. When I got home I could not sleep, I just wanted a nap, but sleep would not come. A friend called and asked me to help him out, and tired as I was you can't ignore bestfriends, you'd want them to do the same.

When I returned Mistress had already arrived home, she told me to shower so she could get me dressed, and to not use the toilet. Well...I had to go, so I went ahead and "thought" I got it out of my system. After scrubbing away she walked into the bedroom and told me to lay down. Chastity device came off, after flicking my stuff for a few minutes she handed me a fleet suppository and said "Put it in, go ahead." Once I was diapered she proceeded to put me in my uniform; thigh high fishnets, garter belt, three overly fluffy petticoats, my maids skirt, apron, the new corset like top she got me and finished it with with the 6 inch heels. "You really do look good, by the way". She said with a smirk, she could not stop smiling. I suppose it's a good thing I'm in shape. Im not one of those over weight guys running around in a skirt trying to look dainty, thats simply ridiculous, find a treadmill, ok I'm off my soap box. I proceeded to clean the house while Mistress ran an errand, though she was back surprisingly quick (good thing I behaved). About that time I felt a pain in my lower gut, and with that the diaper became quite full. I also noticed it was very wet, and I didn't recall going, I suppose it's becoming ingrained to just go. While I was cleaning I was also preparing dinner while Mistress did her nails on the couch. "Your getting really good at walking in your heels! Good Job!" she stated. I grumbled under my breath, and continued scrubbing away. I served her dinner and joined her on the couch...odd I thought she's not saying anything, it seems the small things still aren't being enforced unless I tease her how she's forgetting them. Though she hasn't spanked me in a week I thing (something she said would be daily) hasn't broken out the strap on in awhile (something she said would be daily) and hasn't done a whole lot of bondage other than chaining me to the bed (something she said would be daily.) Im sure it will kick in soon. After dinner she told me to go clean the kitchen, after struggling through due to the pain in my feet and the horridness of walking around in your own filth I sat next to her and said it was done. "Lets get you changed for bed" Dreams do come true! I was so excited to get a fresh diaper, I didn't care she was putting me in another one, I just wanted this one off. Laying me on the bed she told me to put my ass up and she began taking pictures, then came the change. It's still embarrassing but only when I mess, I think its gross she wants to change me, I know its only to humiliate me. She really needs a changing table, we'd use it like crazy. Once I was freshly diapered she had me do a few more small chores then I broke away and worked on something I wanted to do, which was nice. Sadly though I wet as soon as she put the new one on, and I'm trying really hard not to "go again"...she can tell, and keeps laughing about it. Apparently she's going to start making me another outfit, and purchase more babyish plastic panties, it seems shes begun to embrace "regressing" me when she wanted no part in that at first. Oh well, whats another thing to be subjected to? No files today though! Yay! I know I said I would post the links tonight, but I must rest, so I apologize, I will tomorrow, I promise.
Sweet dreams, hoping for a wet one, Im getting horny again....
When your mistress buys you a straight jacket do you think she will make you sleep in it? And do you think she will ever humiliate you in front of other women?
ReplyDeleteI think she will sometimes, and yes I can see her exposing me. She's come close already and training really hasn't begun.