Today was rather uneventful, Mistress's birthday is soon so I gave her present to her early this evening, her excitement and happiness made it all worth it. That happiness I see is truly why I feel I have agreed to this journey in the first place. Looking back I never knew where this would go, had no idea on the world of Femdom, FLR, feminization, or possibly cuckolding. When I first showed Mistress the chastity device I had no idea where the road would take me, or even if it would evolve to something other than bedroom kink. I have a strong feeling this "third" time around will be the last, something different is in the air, her demeanor is more dominant, I can tell she truly wants this. These thoughts force my mind to ponder the "what if's" and "what will you become", will you still have your significant other? Will she ever seek another man for sex down the road? Will this build or destroy your relationship? Will YOU be happy?

These are all question I have thought long and hard about, and honestly I believe I have found the anwsers I have been looking all boils down to trust. I trust her with my life, so I will trust her with me. Saying someone "owns" you is a rather large statement with alot of weight behind it. If someone had to "own" me, I would want it to be her. I can't imagine anyone I trust more. The thought of the relationship changing is the subject I have given the most of my time too. I realize my life will not be the same. I'm sitting here in bed in a wet diaper as I type this; the relationship has already changed. We still talk normally, hug, kiss, laugh, and be a couple...
and I know as this progresses those things will occur less often. I enjoy sleeping next to her, but she's mentioned several times that soon I will be sleeping in a kennel next to her bed...and you know what? I'm ok with that. In fact, I'm looking forward to it. Not sure if the hypnosis files have changed me or if I have simply excepted my soon to be role as a slave to a Mistress I love. Why would I look forward to sleeping in a kennel? Because it's yet another sign of devotion to her, and when you don't have a say in the matter it's best to love what's coming your way! Makes it much easier!
I know that when she's not using me, in time that won't mean "free time for me" rather it will mean being "put away until needed". Simple things I took for granted all being washed away, such as a toilet, sex, bathing myself, boxers...oh how I miss those. I keep trying to look at the big picture and I find I'm ok with it.

I know over time the dynamic of the relationship will continue to shift, until it gets situated to where she wants it. I know all these things are coming, yet it still doesn't feel "real" yet, despite the revelations of the past week. Training hasn't begun, no true set of rules has been set in stone that I know of. I still sit on the couch with her, still talk to her as I please. I'm not running around the house in heels and a maid uniform yet, when she starts to teach me how she wants me to walk, sit, kneel, and etc...I think it will sink in more, or maybe it will be when she locks me in a kennel for the evening for bed, maybe it will be when my diaper is exposed in public or to a friend of hers, maybe it won't be until I see it in her eye that things have truly changed. Regardless of what happens, I'm doing this for her, I want her to be happy beyond measure. And if that happiness comes from her molding me into her perfect slave, then I suppose I'm going to strive to be the best one I can be. I believe this will make me happy, and as for our relationship; it's going to make us inseparable and stronger than ever...and I suppose in my mind; that's worth everything. Though I know there will be many times during this process I want it to end, and just go back to normal, I believe I will grow to accept it fully. All change is difficult, but sometimes with change...comes progress.
Hi Debbie. I echo your sentiments. It's when you feel that way you know you belong. I have a cot I sleep in sometimes it's very small as it's meant to be for a baby but when Mistress puts me in I know it's where I am meant to be. The most important thing I have learnt recently is not to worry or get hung up on the details. That's Mistresses business and not mine. As far as being together normally its healthy I believe. We do both. Wish v you Mistress many happy returns. Was your present to her your kennel.
Slave baby Phil
Ps typing this in my diaper too
I hope it feels that way when that aspect begins, I have a feeling it will not for some time. It will take much getting use to. Though if the relationship develops deeper where I truly feel completely submissive I suppose I too will feel its where I belong. Only time will tell. I guess I'll know soon enough, Mistress has been working on things all day apparently, and took measurements of me when I came home for lunch. I shall post this evening before going to sleep.
ReplyDeleteHmm ... just go with the flow Debbie - whatever Mistress wants she wants...I am trying to do that more and more - Somedays I feel submisive others I don't. Mistress knows how to read the situation and sometimes when life gets bad she knows not to push it (its what a good Mistress does) and when I am out of line - or not doing what she wants she comes down hard. My arse is testiment to that! Last night we had one of them sessions that went on - started when I got home with being chained to the bed - and teased and denied to distraction and she rode my cock before being stuck in my nappy and then more at bedtime - before being wrapped up tightly and told it was sleep time! ...