Well, tonight was interesting... but...my balls are no longer aching! I had to attend a funeral this evening, Mistress was forced to stay late at work, which is why she did not go with me. I got home around 8:00pm and we sat down and ate dinner she had prepared. I wouldn't say she' the best cook, but on certain things; she will blow me out of the water. I do most of the cooking now, which is ok seeing as I truly do enjoy it. She's still working on building her memory, this became evident since she didn't say an
Elena's Hypnosis files, Mistress is a big fan. You get in a trance after Elena takes you under, and her words are the only thing you focus on, it's creepy). The files began to play, it was one I have not heard before which consisted of feminization, humiliation, worshipping strap on's and sucking cocks, and being a good girl for your Mistress. About thirty minutes in I feel the bed move as she climbed on, then my mind was literally fucked. Mistress began inserting the dildo from her strap on into my rear, in and out...in and out...then she attached a vibrator to the end, my body began shaking with the shoots of pleasure coming from an unlikely source. This culminated with the hypnosis file telling me how I need to only use my holes for pleasure, how I need to worship other strap on's or cocks, and embrace the fact I'm now a sissy sent my mind on a whirl wind of emotions. Then she began stroking me; all the while pushing the dildo deeper and turning the vibrator up; this sent me over the edge.
ything when I sat on the couch to eat (she normally makes me sit on the floor and eat). I assumed she simply wasn't in the mood to indulge in activities tonight. After about an hour she told me to strip and be ready for her in the bedroom. "Are you ready for more of your files sissy?!" she asked mockingly, she knows I can't stand them, but more worrisome is the fact that she knows there working. And tonight they would take me on one crazy ride. She left my chastity device on, and began chaining me tight to the bed limbs spread to each corner. "Don't you dare mess yourself since your diapers off" she stated as she began to pull my limbs tighter securing them with the click of a padlock around the leather cuffs. "It would be in your best interest not to talk, one word and the gag goes on for the night, this isn't a game." I decided after the events of last night I should take her seriously. The headphones went on as well as the blind fold, followed by more fabric wrapped around my eyes to ensure no light entered (I suppose she will need a hood soon). The files came on and I began to fall into the depths of my mind (If you've never listened to hypnosis files go check out

My mind kept flashing images of me; dressed as a slut with my Mistress over me taking me with her strap on, images of me with fake breast, make up, a wig dressed to a tea on display in bondage, images of me being put to bed in a cage in the corner of the room, then the realization that I was enjoying the dildo in my rear alot more than I expected, I also realized I had been pushing down so it would go further. These thoughts are shocking kind of, and I don't know what to make of them right now. All I know is in the moment, I wanted more and I thought to myself if this is sex now...your going to enjoy it. She continued to stroke me more and more, after words she told me she was telling me to "let her know when I was about to cum" but she didn't think about the fact I could not hear and could not see what she was saying. I was so lost in the moment, focused on each wave of pleasure coming from multiple places. She kept stroking faster and faster and I kept pushing the dildo mumbling deeper, she pulled out the dildo and inserted her larger vibrator quickly into my hole...after a few deep thrust I couldn't contain myself... the pleasure was simply to great and I cam into the towel in her hand. She left me there, with the vibrator still deep in me for twenty minutes. I was high from the pleasure, I wanted more. The files ended and she removed my battery powered new friend and diapered me very tight. After unchaining me she told I was going to fuck her, I was very confused. Then she strapped the strap on over my diaper and told me to get to it. "You finally get to fuck me with a real dick, are you excited? Your in a diaper, and you've already wet it... how pathetic you are." I climbed on top of her and began to do what she ask, she came very fast. "Get used to this, its the only way your going to fuck me." she said closing in content. Now I'm sitting here in a very wet diaper which is very comfortable, feeling very relieved that I got off, even if it was by accident. I haven't experienced that much pleasure in along time. The emotions I felt and the pleasure from my ass are still confusing. But I'm not scared to move forward, I trust her, I love her. If I have to be a slave, I'd only want her to own me. She told me that soon my chastity device won't be coming off anymore, that I'd have to get used to sleeping with it on under my diaper. I'm nervous about this, but I understand that it's what must happen. Thanks for reading, and sharing my journey. Changes are happening, who know's where I'll be in a few months.
Omg .. Well we have never done hypnosis files. . I have one for wetting nappies but not used it yet. Strap on sex and orgasm, yes I agree with what you wrote about the feelings more intense I believe than a normal one.. If Mistress gets my prostate but never cum in the traditional way.